Goddammit Jamia, You're Scaring Everyone

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Gerard was fucking tired. He stayed up too late, got up too early, and was tired of Lindsey Ballato. Ok, she's amazing, and she's funny, and she's great at a lot of things, but she's not so great at taking a hint. A certain hint saying HOLY FUCK LINDSEY I'M NOT INTERESTED

Gerard's phone went off. He rolled over on his bed to his end table, and checked the message. It was Mikey.

Hey Gerard can you ask mom if it's ok if I go to my friend's house after school?

He was genuinely surprised. The last time Mikey had friends over was in 4th grade, and it was at his birthday party, where he threw up because he ate too much cake. And their parents were always bugging Mikey to make friends, so Gerard doubted his mom would say no.

"Hey, mom? Mikey just texted me and asked if it was ok for him to go to his friend's house after school?" Gerard said, walking down the stairs. 

"Haha, Gerard. Very funny," Mrs. Way said,  looking down at her laptop.

"No, seriously. Look," Gerard said, handing her his phone.

"Oh, wow. Well, tell him yes, but Gerard, can you pick him up today? I hope he doesn't live too far away," Mrs. Way said.

"He? What made you make  the assumption that Mikey's new friend is a he?" Gerard muttered. It seemed like Mrs. Way didn't hear him as she was already typing furiously on her keyboard.

Hey, mom said yeah. Text me the address when you're ready to leave your friend's house


Iero. Park. Now.

Frank looked down at his phone, and saw a text from Jamia. Frank's mom wouldn't be home for a couple hours, so he might as well go. He grabbed his jacket and a pack of cigarettes, because Frank couldn't help but murder his lungs. Pulling on his shoes, he walked out the door.

When he arrived at the park, Jamia was sitting on top of the monkey bars, swinging her feet as they dangled over the edge. She saw him, and motioned for him to climb up.

"You know, you're lucky I sat with you today, otherwise you wouldn't be sitting at a play park made for 6-year-olds," Jamia said once Frank managed to get on top of the monkey bars. Frank smiled, but in a "fuck you" kind of way. Jamia returned the favor by flipping him off.

"Jamia, you do know there's kids here, and they look terrified of you already; I don't think flipping me off is going to help the matter," Frank said, trying to sound concerned.

"To hell with these kids! Fuck, shit, bitch, cock, ass!" Jamia shouted.

"Stop it Jamia; you're scaring everyone."

Jamia snorted, but stopped swearing, as several parents were giving her disapproving looks. It turns out those parents were so disturbed, they left the park, so Jamia and Frank were left alone.

"What is it with adults thinking it's wrong for teenagers to hang out at parks?" Jamia asked Frank. He shrugged and pulled out a cigarette.

"Do you mind?" Frank asked, grabbing his lighter. Jamia pulled out her own cigarette in response.

"Wait, watch. Smoke rings," Frank said, but completely failed at making actual smoke rings.

"Shut the fuck up, you middle school boy."


"Welcome to the Wentz house," Pete said to Mikey as they got to his house.


"Luckily, there won't be any boxes, since we moved in about a month ago," Pete said, leading Mikey inside. They came to a halt when a woman stopped them in the hallway.

"Pete! You've made a friend already? That's great! I'm Mrs. Wentz. And you are?"

"Mikey. Mikey Way."

"Nice to meet you Mikey. Now, you two run along; dinner is at 6, and you're welcome to stay and eat with us."

"Thanks mom," said Pete, leading Mikey outside.

"Your mom seems nice," Mikey said. Pete shrugged his shoulders, because really, Pete didn't want to say "yeah, my mom is the best." Pete sat down in the shade, under a huge willow tree, and Mikey did the same. Soon, they were both laying down, and talking about everything and nothing.

"You know, this is the first time I've been invited to a friends' house in a long time. I mean, I've been to birthday parties in elementary school, but it hasn't been, like, just me and someone else," Mikey admitted.

"Really? You seem fucking awesome!"

"Thanks...but I mean, I guess I've never been much of a social person. Hell, if I hadn't been assigned  to be your guide for the day, I doubt we would've even talked to each other."

"Well, I'm glad you were my guide," Pete said, taking his gaze away from the sky to face Mikey.

"Why? I'm just Mikey Way, the simple bean with sort of awkward knees," Mikey said, sitting up, causing Pete to look away quickly.

"If anything, you're a complicated bean, with hella awkward knees," Pete jokes. Mikey used said knees to knock Pete over.

"Fuck you," said Pete, laughing.

"Fuck you too," Mikey said back, giggling. And yes, it was such a bubbly laugh, it can be called a giggle.


Mikey hadn't texted back.

5:30 was late, especially for Mikey. Well, not that Gerard would know what is late for Mikey since he never goes out, but still.

Had he gotten beat up by his so-called "friend?" Did he try to walk home and get lost? Is his cell phone dead? Gerard didn't want to risk it, so he called him anyway.

Mikey picked up after 4 rings.

"Gerard, hi! Pete, say hi to Gerard!"

"Hi to Gerard!"

"Oh, shut up. Anyway, what's up?

"You didn't text, so I thought..." Gerard said, trailing off.

"No no no, I just wasn't ready to go. I was invited to eat dinner at Pete's house, is that ok?"

"Yeah, yeah, that's fine. I was just checking on you."

"Pete, sTOP! Ok, I'll text you when I'm ready to go. Bye!"

And Mikey, for the first time ever, hung up before Gerard got a chance to say goodbye.



I'm sorry there's no frerard action I just love petekey mmkay.

Don't worry its not gonna be all sunshines and rainbows this much longer.


Vote and comment if you think a smol bean deseves votes on a shitty story.



You're a Snarky Little Shit (Frerard, Petekey)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें