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picture: denise richards...why is she here you ask? you'll see;)


I watched as Charlotte shut the door behind her and left. I sighed a deep sigh and laid my head on the table. I just told her everything. To be honest, I really didn't have a choice. She knocked on my door and basically forced me. I knew she wouldn't leave without answers.  Her stupid dork friend probably figured me out and told her what he thought I was.

One part of my mind told me I should just leave right now. Pack what little shit I had, and go. But the other part of my mind told me I couldn't do that. I couldn't leave Charlotte behind with what possible dangers might come. Despite telling her everything about me, she doesn't know the first thing about protecting herself from vampires. They could come here looking for me, and I might be gone, and they might hurt or even kill Charlotte and her family in order to find me. I had to stay here and protect her.

Even though it took every bit of willpower inside of me not to drain her dry because her blood smelled so good, I was staying. I had to. For her.

But first, she needed time. And I was going to give it to her, as much time as she needed.

Because all vampires have is time, right?



I've been staying in my house when I didn't have to go to school, not talking to Cole, and avoiding Harry for one whole week.  Cole hasn't tried contacting me and he's been ignoring me in school. I guess he was more mad than I thought. Whatever. He'll come back to me soon enough to when he realizes he hates being alone.

I thought about Harry for the week, and I realized I wasn't scared. I mean, yes, he was intimidating as a person, but I wasn't scared of what he was. I was the shy, timid girl with one friend and wasn't social at all, didn't raise her hand in class and didn't go out. I've never even kissed a guy. But Harry makes me feel more outgoing and he allows me to come out of my shell. And I thought about everything he said to me.

My heart broke for him. It broke for everything he went through, and everything he had to endure. It broke at the thought of him having to move so many times to hide from these four guys who wanted him to be part of their killing vampire group. I was nothing compared to him, but I wanted to protect him from them. I wanted to make him feel safe. I didn't want him to go. I wanted to make him feel less lonely.

I wanted him here.

I got up off my bed and went downstairs, going outside my house and striding over to Harry's. I knocked firmly on the door a couple of times and on the third knock, it opened and Harry stood there.

He looked surprised to see me.

"Hi, Charlotte." He said.

"Hi." I answered.

It was silent for a moment.

"I thought you'd never come back." Harry said.

"Well, I'm here, aren't I?" I asked, trying to make my tone seem friendly.

Harry nodded.

"I'm not scared of you. I want to help you." I stated.

Harry gave me a sympathetic look.

"Unless you're like me, you can't help me defeat people like them." Harry said.

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