Chapter 52: Pressure

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Hazels POV

It had been a couple of nights of the same thing, feeling guilty and awful about breaking up with Ashton, then going and drinking my pain away.

I had been getting pretty shitfaced every night which isn't like me at all. I'll admit, when I first moved here I started drinking every night, but it felt so wrong. Now I'm doing it again and it still feels very wrong. Drinking does help though. It seems to take away all my pain and regrets and just lets me live for awhile, but despite all the guilt I feel over Ashton, I feel even more guilty about being a coward and running away from my problems.

By now I had done as much research I could on the band, and I was pretty hooked. The only thing was that their new song She Looks So Perfect is bomb and I guess a million other people think that as well, the song is completely blowing up. I feel selfish for thinking this, but I wish they could just be mine and a couple of other peoples little secret forever.

I wish I could just go back in time. To when I was still in school (yes I know, pretty pathetic), still at home, got to see my family every day, and drive myself crazy not being able to wait until Wednesday would roll around, to do the thing I loved the most, and see the boy I grew to love the most.

So here I was, making myself feel awful about everything I've ever done, driving myself crazy over what could have been, so basically a typical day in Hazel land. But it was now almost nine o'clock and it was time to drink away my worries even though I felt awful about it.

"Hey Beautiful!" Trevor said as I walked into the kitchen, already with a beer in hand. "Are you ready for a sick ass night."

"I mean I guess." I smiled cheekily.

"Good, cause Ricky is gonna be here again." He winked and I rolled my eyes.

"Well you can have fun with him, I'll be in here." I pointed to the ground of the kitchen.

"Awe c'mon babe, just try to live on the wild side a bit." Trevor pouted.

"I am," I grabbed a beer from the fridge and began drinking it. "I guess it just depends on what a person calls 'the wild side'."

"You cheeky little shit." he winked and nudged my arm.

"I would really love it if you could just try though." Trevor wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Excuse me, I did try, it was fucking awful." I said with sass.

"But like, actually try, like actually get high." Trevor said slowly as if I was a child, I just rolled my eyes.

"My mother raised me with common sense, Trevor, I am not going to give into peer pressure whether you like it or not." I said, starting to become angry because he would not stop.

"I'm not pressuring you, I'm just trying to use my knowledge to help you have a good time, I just want the best for you." Trevor kissed my cheek.

"Weed damages brain cells." I got pissed and walked out of the kitchen.

"Hazel." Trevor groaned like a little kid. Just then the front door flew open and everyone cheered, fuck.

"Ricky!" Everyone yelled like he was the fucking king of everything. Trevor quickly caught up to me and pulled me in tight and began walking over to Ricky.

"Ricky, so glad to see you again." Trevor smiled and I immediately felt that familiar awful vibe from the guy again.

"Yeah, Yeah," Ricky shrugged. "I'm just excited to see this one again." He winked at me.

"Hey bud," Trevor butted in instantly making me feel more secure, "There's already a large list for her, no special treatment here." I instantly felt disgusted by the words that just came out of his mouth.

"Yeah well we'll see." Ricky smirked, man I hate this guy.

"Uh, I need to go grab myself another drink." I said, trying to get myself out of Trevor's embrace.

"No need for that babe, you'll feel even better than alcohol could make you feel after a bit of the worlds finest plant." Ricky smirked.

"How many times do I have to say? I do not want to smoke weed!" I yelled in Ricky's face obnoxiously, and tried to walk away but Trevor wouldn't let go of me.

"Trevor." I said trying to get him to release his grip from me.

"Gotta listen to Ricky babe." Trevor said. What the fuck is he doing?

"Listen here babe, I am my own person, and I decide who I have to listen to, alright?" I said right in Trevor's ear, and he let go of his embrace and I was free. "Glad we could work that out."

"You'll come around." Ricky said in a pissy tone as I walked away.


After the scene with Trevor and Ricky, I took a six pack of beer up to my room and drank it myself, I wasn't really in the party mood after that.

I don't understand. Trevor is great sober, but once he is under the influence of alcohol, or drugs, or whatever the hell he does, I get this weird, almost rapey vibe off of him and I hate it.

I just sat in my room for hours thinking about my fucked up life while glugging back the alcohol. It's funny how I got myself into this situation. I had somewhat of a normal life about a year ago, now I'm trapped in a place that I hate with someone I don't even love.

I've always been super afraid of death since my parents died. Not because of the pain or the fear of what was to come after, I was afraid of making people that were close to me feel the way I felt when my parents passed. But now, it honestly doesn't sound like a bad idea. Why couldn't I just like get alcohol poisoning and just die right here in my bed, no one would care, no one would even notice.

Suddenly the door opened, escaping me from my dark thoughts.

"Hey baby," Trevor said walking to the bed and laying down.

"I'm sorry for what happened tonight, I don't want to pressure you." He had this really weird tone to his voice, I don't know if it was the alcohol in my system making him sound this way, or if it was just him.

"I don't like it when you're like that." I said.

"I know baby, please just forgive me, I love you."

"Fine." I said bluntly.

"You're the best." She smiled lazily and began kissing me in a very sloppy way, trying to force his tongue in my mouth.

I really wasn't in the mood, but suddenly Trevor was on top of me.

"Trevor," I could barely get out because of his forceful way of kissing.

"You're so hot babe." He said, ignoring the fact that I was trying to squirm my way out of his forceful embrace.

"Trevor!" I said in a harsh tone. He began trying to lift my shirt. Oh no.

"Trevor stop!" I said, but he kept on going. I can't do this, many girls my age have done it thousands of times and some have really screwed up their lives from it, but I wasn't ready. First, we were both very impaired, second, I didn't love him, and thirdly, I wasn't about to lose my virginity in a place that I hated so much.

"Trevor no!" I said forcefully enough for him to actually listen. "I don't want to do this!" I yelled and he got off of me.

"Fine." He got up and slammed the door.

From then on, I was paranoid of everything, and I really had a reason for it.





Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I know its kind of rapey, but I guess that's just how these kind of things go. Thank you so so so much for 27k! Thank you for sticking with me and being super amazing! I hope you guys are having an awesome Superbowl Sunday! I kind of just stayed in my room, wrote and ate some chicken wings lol. Please comment, vote and tell your friends! I hope you have a great day and I'll see you later! Byeeeeeeeeeee!


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