Chapter 25: The Necklace

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Hazels POV

I can't believe Trevor likes me. I mean, I guess it was kind of obvious....oh my god, it was obvious! That's why Ashton was so mad. It all makes sense now, wow I'm stupid, anyways it was a shocker to me because I never really thought of him that way, I mean I guess he's kind of sweet trying to apologize but after everything he's done, I just don't think of him like that.

"Hazel! Honey! You have a gift!" My mom yelled from downstairs. Oh my gosh! What if Ashton sent me something! I ran down the stairs and saw a bouquet of flowers sitting on the table. That's it! They're from Ashton! I ran up to them, and there was a card in them. I quickly opened it up and immediately got disappointed.

Dear Hazel,

I'm sorry for the things I've done to you in the past, But I just wanted to say that, I really, really like you and I'm begging you to give me another chance. Please can we just start over?

Sincerely, Trevor

Well that ruined my mood, I thought that was from Ashton, that was kind of sweet of Trevor to do though. But I'm not giving in that easily.

"Are those from Ashton?" Mom asked.

"I wish." I said disappointingly, left the flowers and walked back upstairs.

1 week later

Well, in the past 7 days, I've gotten 5 bouquets, 3 boxes of chocolates, and 2 teddy bears. I feel bad that Trevor's giving me all this stuff, but I'm not going to give in that easily. He needs to realize that what he did was wrong, and that I'm not just a push over.

"Hazel." Mom yelled from downstairs. I walked downstairs and low and behold, another bouquet of flowers, but they weren't the normal ones he got me, there were a dozen red roses. They were so beautiful! One looked different from the rest, it was super shiny and wasn't as dark of a red, I went and felt it and it was...plastic? That's weird. Then, under the roses, was a jewelry box with an envelope on top of it. Please don't be something expensive, please don't be something expensive.

Dear Hazel,

I'm so, so sorry and I will regret everything I've done to you until the last rose dies and the diamond on your neck breaks.

Sincerely, Trevor

Oh no.

I opened the box and yep, a fricking diamond necklace.

"Oh my god." I whispered to myself.

It was absolutely beautiful, it was so simple but it was the simplicity of it that made it so stunning. It was one, circular diamond on a silver chain, the diamond was so, so shiny and reflected light from every direction which made it sparkle, like my eyes because at this point I was tearing up.

"Holy crap, that thing is probably worth more than this whole house." My mom said in aw.

"I know, it's so beautiful, but I can't keep it." I said, walking to the front door, putting on my shoes and coat, got on my bike and headed for Trevor's house. This is gonna be weird because I haven't talked to him since all of this.


I was standing on Trevor's front porch for like 5 minutes thinking of everything I'm going to say, I don't wanna come across as rude but I don't want him to think I'm forgiving him. Finally I rang the doorbell.

"Hazel, hey!" Trevor smiled.

"Hi, ummm...." I handed him the necklace.

"No, no Hazel, that's for you." Trevor said not taking the necklace.

"I can't take it, it's way too expensive."

"Please, take it as a peace offering." Trevor smiled.

"I just don't want you to think that I'm taking advantage of you, it's way too expensive of a gift and I can't take it."

"Hazel, believe me, I thought this over millions of times, it felt right."

"I just don't want you to think that you can just get me an expensive necklace and everything will be fine."

"I know, I know. You don't know how sorry I am."

"Yeah, I do, I mean you got me this necklace which is probably worth thousands just so then I would forgive you, and that's why I want to give it back."

"Please, Hazel, I know I was being a dick, but I've changed, and it made me realize how much you mean to me, so please just take the necklace."

"It just won't feel right wearing it knowing that you got it for me so then I would forgive you, that's not how things work, Trevor."

"I know, I know that your forgiveness can't be bought but I just want you to know that I really have changed. That night really made me realize how much of a dick I've been lately, and that's not the person I want to be. And when Ashton comes back, I'll apologize to him too. But please, take the necklace."

"Can you do me a favour first?" I asked.

"Of course." He smiled.

"Keep the necklace, not forever, but just keep it until I feel like it's appropriate to wear it." I said putting the necklace in Trevor's hands.

"So this means, you will forgive me?" He smiled.

"Yes, but give me some more time." I said walking down the stairs and getting back on my bike.


3 days later.

Angie went to go and visit her sister for a week, so I'm stuck at home, with no one to hang out with. So I just passed my time watching celebrity news shows to pass the time. It was just the usual fake celebrity gossip like always. Stuff about Zayn Malik, stuff about The Kardashions. Typical. I got bored so I went to go and get some food, but I left the TV on.

I made some popcorn and then started walking back to the living room until I heard something I really, really didn't want to hear.

"20 year old Ashton Irwin from rising band 5 Seconds of Summer dating playboy model Bryana Holly."

My bowl of popcorn was now on the floor but I didn't care, I ran to the living room to see pictures of the person I love, in the arms of someone else. Pictures of them hugging, pictures of them kissing, everything that I didn't want to see.

"5 Seconds of Summer drummer was reportedly seen with model Bryana Holly numerous times in the past few weeks. Irwin has been seen out in numerous clubs every night for the past month, drinking and hanging out with his rumoured girlfriend. Irwin hasn't been seen at any of the bands interviews, or meetings, and is reportedly on his way to becoming an alcoholic. Lead singer of 5 Seconds of Summer, Luke Hemmings responded saying "He's just a 20 year old guy trying to figure everything out, he'll make mistakes. He's human." What does this mean for 5 Seconds of Summer? Are they headed for a break up? I'm your host Cassandra Phillips and we'll see you next week."

I sat in silence for about 15 minutes, so many thoughts in my head, so many emotions. Alcoholic? Dating a playboy model? Never showing up to any of the bands interviews or meetings? Breaking up?!

I couldn't think straight, the only thing I could think of is I need someone to comfort me right now, and the only person coming to mind was Trevor.








Hellooooo! thank you guys so so soooo much for hitting 14k reads!!! Never in a million years did I think we would ever get this many reads and it's all because of you! Please vote, tell your friends and comment because you guys are so funny and it's so fun to read your comments! Oh, and I was thinking if I should make a twitter account for this book so then I could say if I'm updating or not and just stuff about the book, so please comment if you think that's a good idea! I hope you guys have a great day and I'll see you next week you wonderful people! Byeee!


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