Chapter 27: Big Change

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I sat in silence for about 15 minutes, so many thoughts in my head, so many emotions. Alcoholic? Dating a playboy model? Never showing up to any of the bands interviews or meetings? Breaking up?!

I couldn't think straight, the only thing I could think of is I need someone to comfort me right now, and the only person coming to mind was Trevor.

Hazels POV

So many thoughts and emotions were going through my head, I didn't know if I should cry, scream, feel extremely guilty, I really don't know what to feel. I was going so fast, cool air hitting my face, the sun was shining in my eyes, I could barely tell what or where I was going. My feet were petaling on my bike and I was just going as far as they would take me.

About 5 minutes later I found myself right outside of Trevor's house, I had no idea what I was doing, but I had so many thoughts in my head that it was controlling my actions.

I walked up Trevor's stairs and knocked on his door, about two seconds later he opened the door and I immediately jumped into his arms, and started crying into his neck, it was weird at first but then I got used to it.

"Hazel, what's wrong." Trevor whispered into my ear as he was stroking my hair. I couldn't talk so I just kept on sobbing, he picked me up and brought me onto the couch and wrapped his arms around me.

We just sat there in each others arms for like 10 minutes until I finally spoke up.

"He found someone else." I could barely make out the awful words.

"Aw, Hazel, I'm so sorry." Trevor said sympathetically or at least tried to, I wasn't looking at his face but I knew he was trying to hide back his grin.

"He's even becoming an alcoholic, you were right." I sobbed

"We'll then it's a good thing that you're here with me instead of there with him, he can get aggressive when he's intoxicated, I mean you saw what he did to me." Trevor said and I nodded into his neck, there was a voice in the back of my mind that was screaming that this was wrong, but I just ignored it.

"I'm happy that you're finally realizing how awful Ashton is." Trevor said again. There was a little part of me that wanted to smack Trevor because of saying that but I tried to block it out.

"The girl that he's dating is a fricking playboy model, I guess he just wanted someone perfect, unlike me." I cried and Trevor rubbed my back.

"Hey, don't say that about yourself, I'm sure that she's not perfect, even the prettiest, skinniest girls have some baggage that they have to carry around with them their whole life. Ashton doesn't know what he's missing because you're the most beautiful, nice, and caring girl I know, and Ashton's fucking stupid for not realizing that."

"Thanks." I couldn't help but smile, I sat up and made eye contact with Trevor, his eyes were so blue, and so shiny and it was so easy to just get lost in them...

"You know, I shouldn't be crying and being sad about Ashton when he doesn't give a shit about me. I should focus on what's right in front of me instead of some asshole who doesn't care about me." I said staring into Trevor's eyes.

"That's what I've been trying to get you to realize since I met you." Trevor said as he started to lean in and without thinking I did too. No, no, no Hazel! Don't do it! My conscience screamed at me, but I completely blocked it out as my lips touched Trevor's, it felt so wrong that it was right, I shouldn't feel bad, Ashton's probably making out with that bitch right now, he moved on, so I should too.

Our lips moved in sync and my hands got tangled in Trevor's hair, but I quickly pulled away before things got too heated.

"So, uhhhh, do you want that necklace now?" Trevor laughed and so did I.


The necklace was so pretty when it was actually on, I just can't believe Trevor would spend all that money on me.

"Thank you Trevor, for everything." I said, as I was sitting in Trevor's arms.

"Hey, no problem, a girl like you deserves to be spoiled" Trevor said as he squeezed my hand. "I guess this means we're cool right?" Trevor smiled.

"We're awesome!" I said leaning in to kiss him again.


I woke up the next day feeling happy and refreshed, I'm still not 100% sure about all of this but hey, we could at least try and see what happens.

Angie is finally coming back from visiting her sister, I'm kind of scared to tell her about this but she should understand.


"And then we kissed...." I said really scared.

"What?!?" Angie yelled. "Hazel, what the fuck are you getting yourself into?!"

"I'm trying to move on okay! Ashton is with that stupid bitch so it's only fair that I get to move on too! You should be happy for me!"

"I would be happy for you if you were with anyone BUT Trevor!" Angie yelled.

"You haven't even met him, so you can't talk shit about him like that!"

"Yeah I know I haven't met him, but by what you and Luke have told me about him I don't want to! There's a reason Ashton hates his guts, Hazel!"

"Why is everything about Ashton?! Why is everything about how he feels?! He doesn't give two shits about me so why should I care what he thinks?!" I yelled.

"Because you're still in love with him! Can't you tell, he's only with Bryana because she's his rebound from you, he's only with her so then he can take his mind off of you! He wouldn't be begging for your forgiveness on his fucking knees that night if he didn't care about you!" Angie yelled.

"Trevor has told me some pretty fucked up shit about Ashton, Angie! He just saved me from getting into something awful!" I yelled.

"So you're going to listen to someone who you barely know, and who many, many people have told you to stay away from, instead of the guy that you're in love with?!" Angie yelled. "Ashton told you a countless amount of times to stay away from Trevor! He was trying to save you from getting into something awful with Trevor! I just can't believe you would take Trevor's side instead of Ashton's!"

"I shouldn't have said anything. I thought friends could tell each other anything without being judged, but I guess not!" I yelled.

"There's a fucking difference between judging and protecting the people you love!" Angie yelled.

"Well stop trying to control my life! I can be with whoever the fuck I want! Trevor's picking me up for a date any minute, so you should go."

"Fine. But don't come crying to me when you end of doing something you'll regret for the rest of your life because of him." Angie said and walked out the door.











Yeah, this chapter was really, really hard to write! Anyways, I seriously cannot thank you guys enough for reading this book, I never thought that we would get anywhere near 15k! I'm so thankful for each and everyone of you that read this book, you will seriously never know how much I appreciate you and how thankful I am that you take time out of your day to read this! So just thank you soooo much from the bottom of my heart! I'm really thinking about making a twitter page for this book so then I can post teasers and when I'm going to update and stuff so please let me know if you would like that! I hope you guys have a great ass day and I'll see you later! Byeee!


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