Chapter 23: I'm Fine

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Hazel's POV

One week. It's been one week since I left him. I have so many emotions. Stress, happiness, sadness, relief, guilt,'s been a hard, hard seven days. Ashton made me the happiest I've ever been, I've had some of the best times of my life with him, but he also made me the saddest and gave me some of the worst pain I've felt in a long time.

Out of the whole week, day three was the worst, I had been laying in my bed, crying for the past couple of days and I was feeling so, so bad. I cried so much that it drained all of the emotions out of me, I felt empty. The whole time I was just thinking "Is this how I'm going to feel for the rest of my life?" That day I probably felt the most regret, the image of Ashton down on his knees begging me not to leave him was just playing over and over and over again, I kept on thinking of all the amazing times me and Ashton have had together. The time where he took me up the mountain, while I was blindfolded, and then brought me to this amazing place looking over the whole city, and then he told me he loved me. I'll never forget that night, there were no worries. He hadn't gone on tour yet, I never met Trevor, everything was perfect. That's what I miss the most.

I've came so close to picking up my phone and calling Ashton, but I need to move on, it's for the best.

Now, on day seven, I still feel like shit, but I've learned to conceal my feelings and act like I don't care, Angie has been comforting me which has been helping a lot. The days are fine, because I'm either at school, or Angie's taking me out shopping or something to keep my mind off of everything. But once I turn off my light and crawl into bed, all the feelings and memories just come back and I end up crying myself to sleep. But it's okay, I'm 'fine'.

I woke up on Saturday to the sound of my text tone, I looked at my phone and it was from Angie. We had made plans to go out shopping at the mall today.

I crawled out of bed and walked into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and I looked almost as bad as I feel on the inside, miserable. My hair was crazy and my eyes were red and swollen from crying myself to sleep the night before. I took off my clothes and had a quick shower. After I was done, I put on all of my clothes and went downstairs to have breakfast.

"Good morning sunshine, how are you feeling?" Mom said rubbing my back.

"Fine." I said sitting down at the table.

"What are your plans for today?" She asked trying to make conversation since we haven't really talked that much in the past week.

"Angie's taking me to the mall." I said dully.

"That should be fun!" Mom said smiling, trying to make me smile, but it didn't work.

"I made some pancakes, your favourite!" Mom said again.

"I'll have some cereal." I said bluntly.

"But you always cheer up when I make pancakes!" She said.

"I'm having cereal." I said pouring myself a tiny bit of cereal into my bowl.

"C'mon you have to eat more than that!" She said.

"I'm not hungry." I said taking my bowl and walking upstairs.

I finished my cereal, then did my hair and put on some makeup. I heard a car horn, looked outside and it was Angie.

Michaels POV

It's been a week since Hazel left Ashton and let me tell you, it's been fucking hard. We're back on tour now and Ashton has been so different. He wakes up, eats breakfast, leaves for a couple of hours, comes back drunk, then we have to try and sober him up a bit before every show, then we do the show, he leaves, goes clubbing (he made a fake ID to get in), he comes back at around 3am extremely wasted then passes out, and that's how every day has been for the past week. Me and the guys have tried so, so hard to talk to him but he shuts everyone out, the only time we make the slittiest contact is when we're doing shows and such. Tomorrow we have a day off so after the show, me and the guys are going to follow Ashton to the club and see what exactly goes on.


We ran off the stage after we were done and stayed closely behind Ashton.

"What are you guys doing?" He asked.

"We want to go clubbing with you tonight!" Luke said.

"I don't think so." He rolled his eyes and kept walking.

"Plan B" I whispered. We watched Ashton closely as he walked into one of our black SUV's. We quickly ran up to them and got someone to drive us to where Ashton was going.

The SUV that Ashton was in stopped at a very lit up building which was the club so we quickly got out and pulled out our fake ID.

We got into the club and Ashton was already at the bar getting drinks. There were a bunch of girls walking around with very minimal clothing on. well okay.

We tried to stay as far away from Ashton as we could so he wouldn't see us. After about a half an hour there were a bunch of those girls all over him and he didn't care, he looked super into it.

A bunch of girls had come up to us and asked us if we wanted a drink or to dance or anything but we all said no because we need to stay sober so we can see what's going on.

About an hour later, we lost track of Ashton, we all looked everywhere but he was no where to be seen. After a little while Luke gasped.

"Uhhh, guys...." Luke said while pointing to the back of the room to Ashton making out with a blond girl. Oh god.

"I can't let him do this." I said, walking over to them, I need to confront him and set him straight.

The guys and I stood about ten feet away from them and we could just barely make out what they were saying.

"What are they saying?" Calum yelled to me over the loud music.

"Something about going back to a hotel." I said, completely disgusted. I need to confront him. I walked away from the guys and heard them yell "Dude, what are you doing?" But I didn't care, we need Ashton back.

"What the hell, man!" I yelled and the girl quickly jumped away from him.

"Michael, what the fuck are you doing here?" He yelled.

"We came to see what you do when you come here and I guess that's it!" I said pointing to the really skinny girl.

"Don't talk to her like that!" Ashton slurred, snaking his arm around her waist and she giggled.

"This is just wrong!" Luke yelled as him and Calum walked up to us.

"What the fuck! You're all here?" Ashton yelled.

"You can't just get drunk and surround yourself with groupies to keep your mind off of Hazel!" Calum yelled.

"She's not a fucking groupie! And I can be with whoever I want and do whatever I want! It's my life!" Ashton yelled.

"What about Hazel!?" I yelled.

She wouldn't care! She's probably hooking up with Trevor as we speak! She broke up with me and I'm happy she did because now I'm a free man!" He yelled.

"C'mon man, you don't mean that." Luke said.

"I'm not doing this anymore! Fuck you guys! C'mon Bryana." He said and he walked away with that girl.






Hellooooo! I just wanted to say, this is not at all hate on Bryana, I kind of just wanted to use her as that part, but if she is actually dating Ashton, we shouldn't hate on her because if she makes him happy then that's all that matters. Anyways, thank you all so so so much for reading my book! Please vote, follow and please spread the word about this book! Also comment because I really love reading your comments! Also, have you guys heard All Time Lows new album? Holy shit it's so so so so good and I've had it on repeat for the past week! I hope you have a wonderful day!! Byeeee


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