Chapter 41: Mistakes

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Ashton's POV

  My eyes fluttered open to an extremely bright room. I looked around and it was clearly not my bedroom. I looked at the time and it was 4:20 in the afternoon.

"Shit." I groaned to myself.

I stood up and instantly sat back down because I had an awful hangover. I laid back down and the room was spinning and I felt like I was gonna throw up. I tried to recall the memories from the night before but I didn't remember anything, all I remembered was waking up in the middle of the night then driving to the bar at 3:30, the rest was a blur.

I laid in bed for another 20 minutes trying to steady myself and my thoughts until finally I didn't feel like I was gonna throw up everywhere anymore.

I slowly stood up and steadied myself and slowly walked over to the bathroom. I was disturbed by my reflection, almost not able to recognize myself anymore, I groaned and decided to take a quick shower. 

After I got out, I dried myself off and wrapped a towel around my waist and looked for my phone, I finally found it in the back pocket of my jeans that were on the floor. I turned it on and there were so many messages.

Michael: Where are you???

Michael: What the fuck, you know we have a very important meeting today, where are you???

Michael: WHERE ARE YOU???

Calum: Dude come home we need you here for this meeting.

Luke: Ash where are you?

Michael: Come home oh my fucking god.

I groaned as I read all the messages and saw that they were from 10 o'clock this morning.

"Shit." I quickly got up and got dressed and left. I paid the lady at the front desk and walked out to the parking lot to find my car.

I rolled into the driveway of the house about 20 minutes later and felt so much guilt wash over me, that was a really important meeting and I missed it.

I slowly walked up the stairs to the house and opened the front door, no one was in the living room, but instantly everyone came running down the stairs.

"Where the fuck were you?" Michael yelled.

"I was out." I said ashamed.

"Do you realized how important that meeting was?" Michael yelled and I nodded just staring at the floor.

"I'm sorry." I said quietly.

"Guess what?" Michael asked heartlessly. "We didn't get signed to the record label, they thought it was unprofessional that one of the band members wasn't there."

"Guys, I'm so sorry." I said not even trying to defend myself because I really couldn't.

"You know Ashton, I used to pity you, I felt so bad for you and wanted to help you so bad, now I realize how fucking stupid this is and I'm fucking done." Michael said and the rest of the boys stayed silent.

"I told you I was sorry." I said raising my voice a bit getting frustrated.

"Sorry doesn't cut it this time, this was a huge opportunity for us and you blew it, so congratulations, you got what you wanted, you don't need to come to recordings because we won't have any." Michael spat and I felt so, so awful.

"You know I don't like being like this. I would stop this second if I could, Michael." My voice cracked.

"That's bullshit, if you wanted help you would have gotten it months ago." Michael said and walked to the kitchen.  

I really screwed up this time, missing a couple of band practices and meetings is one thing, but this could have changed our whole future, we could have had an awesome album, toured the world, and lived our dream, and I blew it.

Hazel's POV

The amount of partying I've done in the past couple of weeks is awful, I've drank so much, it's unbelievable. I haven't been in a very happy state lately, I'm starting to really hate it here and what Angie said wont leave my mind.

All this time I thought Ashton was the bad guy, and Angie made me realize that I'm the monster, I've hurt him way more than he ever hurt me, and I can't deal with that kind of guilt, so I drink and I drink and I drink, I drink as early as noon and I don't stop until the crack of dawn, I'm starting to have a problem and I don't know how to fix it.

Trevor and I's relationship has been pretty good lately, but I still don't feel that love feeling I did with Ashton and the sad thing is, I'm starting to accept that I still love Ashton and I feel terrible because I'm with Trevor.

It was that time again, the time where dozens of drunk people starting piling into the house, I'm starting to get quite bored with it to be honest, it's just the same exact thing every night, with the same exact people.

The night went on and it was about midnight now, I was quite drunk, but not drunk enough to not understand the words that were about to be said to me.

"Hey beautiful." Trevor slurred as he approached me with a half smile.

"Hey!" I giggled and Trevor pressed his lips to mine, which quickly turned into a makeout session.

"God have I ever told you how much I love you?" Trevor groaned between each kiss, and with that I stopped dead in my tracks, not even the amount of alcohol I consumed could stop me from instantly feeling guilty.

"Babe?" He asked when I pulled away. "You alright?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." I smiled back, hoping he would change the subject.

"I love you, Hazel." He smiled at me.

"You don't mean that, you're so drunk." I tried playing it off as if it was nothing.

"Yes I do, I always have, I love you!" He defended himself, and of course I didn't know what else to say but,

"I love you too." I regretted the words as soon as they left my mouth, I know it probably wasn't a very big deal to tell me he loved me, but for me it was, I had only told one other person in my life that I was in love with them and that was Ashton, and that's the only person I'm in love with.

Trevor smiled and started kissing me again, but I couldn't stop thinking about what I had just said, I just made a huge mistake.





Heyyyyyy everybody! WE DONT HAVE TO LIVE THIS WAY! Sorry I had to lol. I am so so so incredibly sorry for the extremely late update:( I was really busy and I got my wisdom teeth out last week so I was pretty out of it haha, but I'm really really sorry:( So have you guys seen the Hey Everybody music video? I love it so much. Also are you guys going to see 5sos next tour? I'm not, because 5sos suddenly forgot that western Canada exists lol so yeah I'm pretty mad about that but whatever it is what it is, I'm so so so excited for sounds good feels good and the next time I update it will be about like whaaaaaaattttt. Anyways I really hope you liked this chapter, and I am going to try so hard to update next week I promise:) And if you want to, please vote, comment and follow cause that would be pretty cool haha. I hope you beautiful people have a great day or night, and I'll see you later! Bye!


The Piano Teacher || Ashton Irwin (EDITING)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon