Chapter 1: Glimpse of the Past

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No P.O.V.
It's been 2 days since Paty died. The whole team feels empty, like when Zane "died" the balance broke. But Paty can make her sell a software program to rebuild herself. Can she? P.I.X.A.L. found a pink USB on her room, with a blue lightning, and the letters PP also in blue, and her perspective changed in a blink.

She grabbed a laptop, and there was just one archive, "Message.3GP". She didn't watch it, or put it on her so she would watch it with everyone. She grabbed the laptop with the USB and rushed to meet the rest. She found Cyrus Borg, Ann Borg (his wife) and a 4 and half years old girl, who they asumed it was Dany Borg (daughter).

No one wanted to accept that Paty as dead, but when her cousin comes to plan the funeral, well it is kind of tough to be back to the cruel reality. So Kai focused the attention on something... Someone else.

— Who are you? Don't tell me your the little Dany, you're so big!—Kai said nicely.

Kai carried the girl and she giggled shyly. Her intense blue eyes, shined in happiness. Jay let out a gasp.

— You're really good with kids—Skylor giggled, making Kai blush.

— Part of being a good brother—he said nervously.

Jay's P.O.V.

That smile, and those eyes. I can't see her. Dany made me feel a lot of pain. Everyone was re-introducing to the little girl. But no one will notice, since no one knows what I do... It was all 9 years ago (he's 17 now) in the park.

I was loosing time, when a little girl, barely younger than me, came next to me. She was really cute, I couldn't help but stare. Her face was innocent, she might have notcied I was staring because she began to stare too, while she kept walking. And she tripped on her feet. She hurt her knee, and I went to help. Luckly I always carry a piece of cloth with me. So I could clean her knee.

— Feeling better? —I asked. The girl nodded. —Hey want to see a trick? —she nodded again.

He got something out of his pocket, a silver butterfly. It flew until it was meters above us and it explode into a blue little firework.

— Pretty cool huh? —I smiled filled with proud.

She nodded, still fascinated for the sparkles that end up on her hair. We played a every afternoon that week.

The first day, we played to be a princess and her loyal knight. I protect her of a dragon, that actually was a swing. But in an unexpected event I had to protect her of a bully, who tried to mess up with her. He wanted her money or I don't know, never understood bullies' logic. But I got in the fight to protect my princess, the boy punched me, and since he was around 12, he easily grabbed my by the collar of my shirt, and he was about to punch me in the face. But... the princess was tough and she stomped her feet on his. The boy had to leave us alone

— I didn't saw that coming...—I said.

— A princess can also protect her knight—she giggled— Besides, together we must be around 15.

The second day, we were explorers, searching for acient ruins. But I fell on a hole, the girl began to laugh at me, as she pretend I fell on quick sands. She helped me up. And we kept "searching". But I got the nickname of "quicksand" for the day.

On the thrid day, we were a boy and his little sister, she played the character really well. Always calling me "Onii-Chan". I carried her on the air and made her spin (just as Kai to Dany), she end up dizzy for the next 15 minutes. Later we went for ice cream.

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