Hi Crush

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Hi Crush

Hi crush, I like your messy hair,

When you sleep in class, when you vandal on your chair,

I like you though you're always late in class,

And you throw your backpack to your chair like it's a burden or a trash.

I like it when you greet me with a cuss,

Instead of hating you,

It even made me blush :")

"What are you looking at?", you'll always say,

But I'll just smile at you and continue to stare and stare,

I was happy then until one day,

I waited for you to come to class but you didn't come. :(

I ditched and searched for you until I saw you on the ground,

With bruises and blood on your shirt, it made me shout.

 You smiled at me, yes, you did,

It was the first time you did that and I should be jumping with joy now but no, I bleed.

You started to talk..

Hi crush, I like your long brown hair,

When you watch me sleep in class,

When I scribble your name on my chair..


I cuss each time I see you because you always makes me blush,

But I like it when you stare and stare too much..


I’m always late in class because I think of you all night,

Your face, your lips and how you smile,


I was happy then not until today,

A gang made me look this way,


They snatched my watch,

Got my phone, but I didn’t give them my wallet,

They got mad at me,

And this is how they end it,


I don’t care about losing my money, but not your photograph,

It means a lot to me and that’s all I had,


But nah, hush now, those tears were not meant to fall for me,

Smile a little, I would be glad to see you happy.”

I was crying, stunned of what you just said,

I saw you close your eyes but you never dared to open them again.

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