Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

*Layal POV*

"You're crazy if you think I'm going to sit here while our guys put their lives on the line," I quickly began heading back to my house by foot to get my car so I can follow Gabriel.

Since Gabriel accepted me as his mate, everything was heightened and I felt everything I was doing was effortless. My sense of direction came back to me and everything else along with it. I was able to not only mind link Gabriel now, but also anyone in the Shadow X pack.

"Ugh, Layal," Amy threw her arms up in defeat. "You're so damn stubborn." She quickly followed behind me. "There is a shortcut to your house, but we better hurry before we're too late."

I heard shuffling, of not one, but many behind us. Turning around I was surprised to see that most of the pack was ready to follow.

"Looks like the pack isn't the type to sit around and wait either," Amy smirked and looked back at the pack. "No one messes with Shadow X."

Before we knew it we were 25 miles outside of Midnight Moon territory. I replayed the conversation I had with Gabe right before I decided that I was not going to sit around and wait. I did not want to think too much about it since it would not only throw me off, but the rest the pack as well.

Amy and the rest of the pack shifted, and I was riding on the back of Amy's wolf, as we got closer to our destination.

Suddenly we stopped and before I could ask why, I heard the snarling and growling of several wolves not too far away. I jumped off of Amy's back to peek over the cliff that we were on. I could smell that Gabriel was here about an hour ago. They must have stood here observing their surroundings before they decided to attack.

"They're fighting," I gasped. "That means that the Alpha and Luna are definitely held captive here."

"Looks like they are outnumbered as well," said Britney. "Gabriel and Beta John are inside. We better hurry."

With that, he shifted and Amy was nodding her head to me. It was kind of bizarre that I knew what it met: the pack waiting for me to give the go. I knew this was my doing and I knew it was me who had to lead them to this battle. This was my first act as their Luna and I was determined not to mess it up.

"Britney, you will come with me to find Gabriel and the rest of you," I paused to give them each a hard look. "You know your pack, defend them and protect them."

I hopped on Britney's back and we all headed into the battlefield where multiple fights were taken place. There were several fights that were outnumbered and instantly I can see the difference our arrival has already made.

"In there," I shouted at Britney just in time for her to dodge an attack. I flew off her and landed hard on my back. There was no time to lie down and whine about the pain. It is as if the adrenaline pumping through me was numbing the feeling of pain.

I followed Gabe's scent and came in contact with a wolf. Instantly, I jumped and landed on his back with my feet and punch him really hard in the back of his neck. He whimpered and fell unconscious. I did not want to kill anyone I did not have to kill, so knocking them out seemed like the best mental way to go once this whole mess was over.

When I approached another door, I sensed Gabe on the other side of it. Before I swung the door open, I felt the presence of another wolf close to me and before I could attack him, he mind linked me.

-Don't attack, it's Beta John.- I nodded and released a breath of relief, but instantly inhaled before swinging the door open.

"Let's do this," I swung the door open and only hesitated for a second before launching myself down the basement stairs at an enemy wolf.

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