Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

It felt like a scene from a movie. I wanted so badly to have that happy ending of Twilight and here I am so close to it, but I know Gabriel has to go back and fight alongside with the rest of his pack.
He pulled away as if to prove what I had just said.

"I need-," he began to say.

"I know. You need to go help fight." I nodded while taking a step back.

"I'm not walking away, Layal." He pulled me back to him so that I was resting my hands on his bare chest. "It's just that it's been so hard to fight that urge to be with you."

Gabriel looked like he was genuinely struggling to keep his cool. His emotions were getting the best of him. I guess keeping your cool for so long and holding in everything really takes a toll on a person.

"Then stop fighting that urge," I gently stroked his cheek so that he looked back at me. My knees trembled at the amount of emotion coursing through me. My sense of smell was beginning to enhance by the second and his scent inhabited the air, which caused my thoughts to jumble.

"I don't think I'm strong enough to anymore." He lips wreaked havoc on my nerves as he trailed his way across my face and down my neck. "I can't and I won't leave you only if you ask me to." He mumbled as he continued to kiss my neck.

I kept my eyes closed and savored the feel of him pressed against me, his hands winding down toward my waist. I couldn't help but smile from the calmness and safety the radiated through me. Gabriel was here. He was finally here and I don't have to worry about him walking away from me.

We stood embracing each other for what felt like a minute, until I heard rustling of the trees coming from the woods behind us. Gabriel turned around and covered me so that I was only peeking over his shoulder. I felt his body relax once David and Jeremy stepped out of the woods. They looked alert and were completely nude. Gabriel pushed me back so that I was completely covered by his tall frame and most likely didn't want me to see two nude men.

"He got away once he realized that his pack was going down one by one and fast," David's voice broke the silence.
"Nathan wasn't with him. It seems like he was carrying this one out without him."

"Why would he do that," Gabriel asked confused. "I need to get a hold of my dad."

"He's already on his way," I heard Amy say from the pack house. Jeremy, who now had on a pair of shorts, quickly made his way to her side and wrapped his arm around her tightly.

"Good," Gabriel replied and took my hand and led me to the pack house.

Once we were inside, Gabriel had a blanket and food ready for me. He wrapped me up into his lap and wanted to feed me like a baby. I refused to be fed by him since I was perfectly capable of feeding myself, but I didn't get off his lap. I have been away from him for too long to even stand to be an inch away from him.

"Where's Eric," I asked after I finished the second sandwich Amy made me. Eric must be feeling extremely guilty about this whole thing since he was the last person I was with before I was taken.

"He's out front with the rest of the pack," Gabriel murmured while lightly brushing a tendril of hair away. "You should talk to him. He's beating himself up over what happened."

I nodded and knew that I owed him a huge apology for what just happened. He's blaming this whole thing on himself and it was unquestionably my fault. My stubbornness got the best of me and I didn't realize that it can hurt a lot of people.

"Can you call him in here please," I slowly climbed off of him and sat at the end of the sofa cuddling into my blanket.

Gabriel locked his gaze on me and kissed my forehead before making his way out. It felt like forever before I heard footsteps drag into the living room.

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