Chapter 30

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Because I took so long to upload new chapters, I decided that it was only fair to upload 3 chapters tonight. I hope you enjoy it!

Chapter 30

"I've called for the thirtieth time straight and now it's just taking me straight to voicemail," Amy whispery shouted to me in the kitchen while she cooked. "Something is definitely wrong."

I wasn't sure what exactly to do. This whole thing was still in fact new to me. I have never met Gabe's parents and I hope I will because by the looks of everyone in the pack they seemed like really nice people.

Gabriel eventually had to break it to the pack due to the fact that there was no official Alpha to lead the meeting. To say the pack went into hysterics would be an understatement because they almost completely lost it if it wasn't for Gabriel keeping his cool about his parents missing.
After that new announcement the entire pack has been plotting a national search on finding their leaders. Gabriel and the current Beta of the pack have been on the phone all day with other pack Alphas trying to figure out where they were last seen.

Amy told me that Alpha Black and his Luna had some last minute business to attend to before they past the title of Alpha to Gabriel. The ceremony was supposed to take place this Saturday. There's also a huge football game this Friday against their rivals and since Gabriel happens to be the Captain and the team is made up of mostly wolves from Shadow X pack, I'm pretty sure that the Alpha and Luna couldn't have went missing in a worst possible time.

Then it clicked.

What if this wasn't any incident? Or coincidence? What if someone knew about Gabriel being the new Alpha in a few days and what if they also knew about the game this Friday?

"Hey, Ames," I tapped her shoulder as she continued stirring whatever she was cooking on the stove.

"Hmm," she replied as she tasted the soup.

"The team that we are playing on Friday, do they happen to be wolves?" I whispered since everyone happens to have sensitive hearing around here.

"Yeah, they are the Midnight Moon Pack. They aren't quite fond of us since our football team always beats theirs." She chuckled.

"You mention that the Alpha was friendly with everyone except this one neighboring pack, so what if they had something to do with the Alpha and Luna going missing?" I asked getting straight to the point.

"That's ridiculous. Why would they kidnap our Alpha and Luna? Just so they have a chance of winning on Friday?" She shook her head and looked at me. "That would cause a war to break out. They would never do something stupid like that especially since they know we have a huge pack and the majority of the packs in the continent are our allies. They know they definitely don't stand a chance."

I sighed and turned around to lean on the counter with my elbows and sinking my face in my hands. This is hopeless. I wanted things to get better and I thought they were after Gabriel and I are finally got back together, but it just got worst.

-It's not that easy. Keep thinking, I have a feeling that the Alpha and Luna are nearby.-

Mimi was right and my gut feeling was telling me so, but I just didn't know enough about any of this to explain my case. I just know that this Midnight Moon Pack has something to do with it and I know Nathan's pack is probably helping them.

"Layal," Amy said while rubbing my back comfortingly. "It's okay. We will find them soon."

I lifted my head from my hands and stared at her face for reassurance to make sure that she herself believed what she just said. If she truly believes her pack will find them, then I should too.

Alpha's Taken MateDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora