Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

I heard more steps approaching us and I looked up to be met with some in their wolf form and some still their human form. Amy being one of the ones in her human form and a wolf closely next to her, assuming it was Jeremy. I didn't miss the fact that her eyes were swollen.

I was about to make my way towards her when the wolf under me started to shake. I didn't notice that I was now lying on a completely naked Gabriel until David walked up to him with a pair of basketball shorts.

I felt my face get hot and awkwardly made my way off him. He grabbed my arm and pulled me in for a bear hug. It felt so natural to be in his arms, molded against his body.

"I'm so glad you're safe," he said while he rested his head in between my neck and shoulder. He inhaled deeply and lightly kissed my collarbone. I shivered and dug my face deep into his chest.

It was a chilly night and I was drained from the crazy day. My body was still shaky from escaping. I'm surprised that I made it out and I'm worried next time I won't be that lucky.

I shivered again at the thought of there being a next time.

"I'm tired," I managed to say.

Without hesitation, he picked me up into his arms and I didn't object. I rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes. I wasn't asleep, so I could hear everything that was going on.

"Scope the area and make sure to let everyone know that there are rogues in our territory and I want them found," he ordered. "Alive."

I wasn't sure if we were moving, until I slightly opened my eyes to see Gabriel staring down at me. He smiled when he noticed that I was awake. "Get some rest," he leaned down to lightly brush his lips on my forehead.

"Don't leave," I whined and pulled Gabriel's arm when he placed me on my bed and turn to go. I was still frightened and the pain on my sides was beginning to swell down.

"I'm here." He climbed onto my bed and settled next to me. I rested my head on his still bare chest and he wrapped his arm around me while the other held my hand in his.

"I'm so sorry," he whispered and brought my hands to his lips.

He squeezed me closer to him and I wanted so badly to ask what was he sorry for, but my consciousness was saying otherwise.

I woke up the next morning hot and bothered. I was in desperate need of a shower.

By the time I made it to my bathroom, I finally realized that I didn't sleep alone last night. I quickly ran out of the bathroom and searched around my room to see if Gabe was still present, but there was no one.

I didn't even know what time it was, but by the looks of it, it looked to be late noon.

Was I really asleep for that long?

I quickly went to search for my phone, only to remember that the douches of all douches broke it yesterday.

That's when everything of yesterday came racing back to my mind. I shivered and decided that a hot shower will calm my nerves.

I haven't actually put my self-defense training I had with my mom to the test for almost a year now. I just kicked some wolf's ass yesterday. There was no guarantee that I was going to make it out of there alive, but I did. I am so relieved that I decided to take those classes with my mom for a 'just in case' experience like yesterday.

I smiled to myself mostly just realizing that I escaped a kidnapping with the help of only myself. Maybe Eric will allow me more freedom after I replay what happened yesterday or maybe he'll be watching me like hawk. I think the latter is most likely to occur.

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