Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I washed myself quickly and stepped out of the steamy shower,  wrapping myself in a towel trying to keep the warmth in and headed towards my dresser. I slipped on my pajama shorts and tank. I crawled into bed forgetting about the next day ahead of me.

I'm dreading the first day of Kingman High School.

I was surprised when the next morning came and the alarm went off at 6am. I must have drifted off into sleep quickly. I got up and headed back into the shower, but this time I took my sweet precious time washing and scrubbing every part of my body with my scented body soap. I shampooed and conditioned my hair with the same scent of wild cherry blossoms.

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped my body with a towel and my hair as well. I headed towards my oversized closet and decided to keep it simple with a pair of dark blue jean capris and a white loose t-shirt. I laid my clothes on the bench at the end of my bed and went to work on my hair and make up.

I blow-dried my hair and curl the ends of it leaving it loosely fall down my back. I applied some bb cream and eyeliner with one coat of mascara on my already too long thick lashes. I put a hint of blush on since my cheeks always seem to be scarlet for no reason in particular.

I work fast. I'm not what you call your basic chick that takes hours getting ready. I always feel like I should hurry, which is a bad habit when I needed to take my time.

I put on a tan bra and matching tan underwear following my capris jeans and shirt. I slipped on a pair of tan sandals. My nails still were painted a light brown from the day before when I went with my mom to the spa and nail salon to spend some quality time with her before I left.

I clipped on my necklace that hung with a small diamond and decided to wear the small studs as well. I took one last look at the mirror on my dresser and I looked exceptionally normal for the long day ahead of me. I was honestly considering trading my designer bag with my tore up bag from back home but realized I never packed it. Ugh.

I grabbed my keys and matching wallet stuffed it in my bag. I almost forgot my phone but thankfully it began ringing and I saw it was Eric. I answered him while I headed out.

"I'm heading down now." I said before hanging up. I half ran down the stairs and saw on my phone that it was 7am.

"Good morning Layal," Eric was dressed up in his everyday black on black suit. "Eat your breakfast so we can head out, don't want you to be late for your first day!"

I rolled my eyes and chuckled at his attempt to lighten up my mood.

" So where's my dad?" I said as I placed my bag on the floor and sat up on the high chair to eat my breakfast on the island.

Eric's face dropped. "He left before I got here."

I ate my waffles, toast, and eggs in silence. I missed my dad I wanted to see him before school so maybe it would lighten up my mood a little. I drank my orange juice quickly and looked up to see another familiar face.

"Rosa!" I screamed excitedly. I jumped off the stool and ran towards the amazing housekeeper. I couldn't believe that I almost forgot about her. She is absolutely an amazing cook, housekeeper, and person over all. Rosa and Eric are the only people beside my parents, best friend, and Nate that I completely trusted.

"Layal, oh how much you've grown. You've grown into a beautiful young lady." She pulled me back a little to examine me some more and even twirled me around to get a full 360. "Bonita, muy muy bonita."

I smiled. "Gracias." I hugged her again before Eric interrupted us.

"Come on Laya you're gonna be late." I looked at the time on the stove and it was already 7:30am. I had 15 minutes to make it to school and I still needed to go to the office first to get my schedule.

"We'll catch up after school, Rosa." I called over my shoulder as ran out the door and waved at her.

It was a 10-minute drive from my house to Kingman High School. Eric made it in 7 minutes. The front of the school was crawling with fresh-faced teenagers. When Eric pulled up to the front of the school by the curb, I inhaled. "You want me to escort you? I'd be more than happy to." He smirked.

"Thanks, but no thanks." I shuddered at the thought of being escorted on my first day here. Already, everyone turned to look at the car. God, I hate attention. I inhaled and looked at Eric for one reassuring smile. He never disappointed, giving me a reassuring nod and smile.

I stepped out of the car thanking God for reminding me to tell Eric not to open the door for me anymore. He agreed with an exception of it being a formal event then he's going to have to open my door for me.

I kept my eyes straight as I headed towards what I hoped to be the front office. I could see from the side of my eyes that there was a lot of whispering amongst girls who shot dirty glares and guys whistling and gawking my way. I ignored them without any trouble since I use to do the same to kids in my high school back home.

I finally approached the front office and entered it to only be greeted by a middle-aged man and a teenage pixie like girl. She was practically bouncing up and down by the time I got to her. I can tell she had hazel eyes and dark brown short hair. Her skin was flawless but a shade lighter than mine.

"Hi I'm Amy!" She extended her arm for me to shake her hand with a huge grin plastered on her face.

"Hi Amy. I'm Layal." I said as politely as I can and shook her hand.

"Welcome to Kingman High School Layal James. I'm Principal Lee and Amy here will be showing you around campus since she happens to have every class with you." He looked at her questioningly but still had a sincere smile as he continued speaking. "I hope you enjoy it here. Good luck."

"Thank you." I smiled. He nodded, turned on his heel, and headed back towards what I'm guessing, his office.

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