Fix it.

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When I first wrote strings, I automatically assumed that not alot of people would read it. But you guys have made it an absolute pleasure to continue writing the story. You don't realize how much your comments have changed my plot a lot. Literally this is the first story I wrote that gained a lot of attention and I'm quite happy about that.

Like you don't even know.


"You don't have to listen to her man." Thomas said while laughing. "Thomas, I suggest you shut your fucking mouth before I call Jennifer and tell her where you really were for Christmas break." I said while walking out the door with Nicholas in trail.

I stopped him midway before we got to the cars, "you had no right to walk out on us." I said crossing my arms. "I said I was sorr--" he began. "No! Because if you were sorry last night you would've been home rocking our daughter to sleep, you would've been trying to find anyway to get back to what we used to be." I said poking my finger in his chest. "Now this unnecessary bullshit that has been going on for the past two months is about to fucking stop, because I don't know if you noticed but everything we do now affects our child. So for the last fucking time, get your shit together Nicholas." I yelled.

He looked at me speechless as he was trying to form words but nothing came out. "I'm going to go drop Cara off and I want you to take Amelia home and get her ready for bed." I said while walking towards the car.

Cara winked at me as I passed by to open the door and get Amelia. "Come on, baby girl." I said. I shut the door and carried her to Nicholas. "Now she needs to be fed and changed." I said handing her over, Nicholas nodded his head. "Woah, Dada." She said smiling and blowing kisses. "Did you teach her that?" He asked. "No, she saw it on tv." I said referring to the blowing kisses action.

The nights when Nicholas and I were "split up" I'd had to inform her that Cameron was not her father. In the simplest way, by showing her pictures of him. I mean I'm sure she knew nicholas was her father but I don't know. I'm just glad I'd fix that.

"Okay, I'll be home in 30 minutes." I said while waving to Amelia. "Bye Bye." She said waving before I turned around and walked back to the truck to get her carseat. I walked with them to his car and placed the carseat inside and watched Nicholas buckle her up. "Bye sweetheart." I said.

"So, see you In awhile?" Nicholas said after shutting her door. "Yeah." I said while walking towards the truck.

It felt good to have the upper hand for once in my life.

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