Author's note: Third book

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Thank you so much for reading this story and I'm sorry that I've popped in a few more author's notes in this one. But in my defence, that was to announce bonus books who both went down really well even if I didn't finish one of them.

The third book in this series is called "Becoming a YouTuber?!" and you can find it on my profile. I've uploaded the "audio" of Abbey's first ever YouTube video. As of right now, I think that might be the last book in the series. Abbey is about to get thrown into the deep end but hopefully she's learnt how to swim by now?

I want to give a special thanks to mytemporaryfixes for her votes but mostly all her many lovely comments that always make my day and often makes me laugh too. StxrdustAndFrxst came in a bit later but since then has voted on every chapter and also commented so many lovely things and gotten just as involved as Molly.  You two have made it such a joy to put out chapters.

I also want to give thanks to asdfghmb & avery26 & owlwave who've been for quite a while and always vote for the new chapters. It warms my heart so much because it also lets me know when you catch up on the newest chapter. Some of you also occasionally leaves lovely comments.

Finally thank you to omg_its_kelsey & Kenz_Luv & Shanbrown96 & stellaella11 & just__Sammi & two468 & RachyNeve & Lizzywaffles & jessiewand12 & x_HoldingOnTillMay_x & amelia13defarias & petraturville123 & Crystalmartinez1996 whether you just comment once or several times or if you also voted, know I saw your words and am so happy you took the time to type them.

I never ever thought people would read and enjoy my story to this extend. It started as an idea and a couple of character traits and I wrote it because I wanted to know Abbey and Nate's story. I'm so happy that more people have read their story too.

As I'm writing this, "Living with a YouTuber?!" has over 9,000 reads, 300+ votes and more than 200 comments by you lovely lot. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and hopefully I'll see you in the next one! xx

EDIT: And on the 9th of February 2016, this story hit 10,000 reads! I'm so happy that the second book has also managed to reach this. Thank you so much for all the people who've read this xxx

Living with a YouTuber?!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang