Chapter 20: Home is where the heart is

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I grunted as I woke up. I hadn't heard an alarm but I had a feeling I was supposed to be up. I snuggled up to Nate next to me and I'd almost forgotten where we were until my back hit the wall. We're not in our flat in London; we're in my parents' house in Brighton.

I sat up with a jolt, pulling the duvet with me when I realised I was topless. It wouldn't be a big deal at home but here it felt weird, likewise waking up with Nate here. We didn't sleepover here often. Usually, we would go stay with Zoe and Alfie if we stayed overnight in Brighton.

"What?" Nate asked, his voice heavy with sleep as he sat up straight and rubbed his eyes.

"We're not home," I whispered.

Nate giggled and leaned over to kiss my cheek. "No shit, Sherlock," he teased.

"Stop it," I said and rushed out of the bed. I heard Nate laughing at my frantic movements. Then he did something even worse.

"Good morning, my dear viewers," I heard him say and I turned around to face him to see if he was playing a joke on me or if he was actually vlogging.

He did have his camera in his hand, facing himself while he sported the cheekiest grin I had ever seen. I opened my mouth in horror; he couldn't vlog when I was in this state.

He tried to supress giggles as he saw my expression.

"Sorry that the vlog ended so abruptly yesterday, guys. If you haven't guessed it yet, I'm not in my flat. I'm actually in Brighton at Abbs' parents' house. She's right next to me and I would put her on camera but she's not properly dressed."

Nate's humorous tone was contagious and I found myself smiling even though I didn't want to. I stuck out my tongue at him and flung the only thing I had in his direction. The duvet landed over both the camera and Nate's face and I burst out laughing as I saw the glimpse of Nate's surprised glance.

He swiftly removed the duvet from himself and his camera and began shaking his head in amazement. I reached out to grab the duvet back but he held onto it.

"Oh, no. You dropped that yourself," he said, grinning from ear to ear.

Realising I had lost the fight of the duvet; I huffed in defeat and went to my closet to pick out an old T-shirt. My parents hadn't removed my wardrobe and although most of my clothes resided in our flat in London, I still had some stuff here. I reached in and pulled a big oversized Snoopy T-shirt that reached mid-thigh. It had been my favourite sleeping shirt at one point.

Nate had been chatting away to the camera but when he looked back at me, his smile changed. He turned the camera around to face me and I felt the usual compulsion to cover my face and chest. I was not wearing a bra and had a make-up free face and a very messy top bun.

"Isn't she adorable?" Nate said with admiration and love in his voice. I was sort of happy that the camera was on me because if it had been on him, he would surely have sent the Natigail shippers into a fit with his heart eyes but then again, maybe the tone of his voice said it all anyway. "I mean look at her!" he added and stood up.

He turned his camera to face himself and said "See you in a bit."

"You look absolutely stunning," he said and his voice still held a bit of that crackling sound that it always did when he had just woken up. His hair was unmade and sticking in every direction and his eyes puffy. He was just in his boxers and honestly; I had never seen him more stunning either. I wasn't sure how I was deserving of waking up with him almost every day.

"You're gorgeous. I love your sleepy voice," I said and walked into the embrace Nate was offering me. We would have kissed but morning breath wasn't sexy at all.

Living with a YouTuber?!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora