Chapter 42: Joe & Caspar Hit The Road premiere

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"I can't quite believe this," I muttered to myself. I was stood in the corner of the room observing the crowd in front of me. We had all met up at a hotel prior to heading to the red carpet. This was Team Internet in effect and I couldn't quite wait to get to the red carpet to be greeted by the many loyal viewers who had lined up at Leister Square for so many hours.

"Abbey, you okay?" Tan asked. She must have come looking for me.

"Yeah, my life has just been a bit surreal lately. First, my brother's film and now Joe and Caspar's have a premiere. And not talking about Nate, Jim and Dan all filming documentaries with the BBC. It's not something that should be able to happen. And it's not just friends and family, I've also been getting more and more obscurely amazing offers from people."

"I know what you mean," Tanya said with a slight sigh. "You know I'm working on a new book, right?"

"Yes, the baking book. I know," I answered in a hushed voice. Tanya had yet to announce it but she told me about it last time we saw each other.

"I never ever thought I'd get the chance to write a book, let alone two. Embrace the challenges. You won't regret it."

"Thanks, Tan," I said and pulled the girl into a hug. I knew she and I had similar struggles, same with Zoe, maybe that was why I got along so well with the two female YouTubers.

"C'mon, we need to get into the cars and drive to the premiere," Tanya said and interlocked her arm with mine. "Jim's already there, so I'm heading in with Zoe's mum. You better find your boy."

Nate and I got into the penultimate car and I couldn't stop fidgeting with the hem of my dress. Emma had helped me pick it out and even though I thought it was gorgeous it was a bit over the top for my taste.

Nate saw my nervous fidgeting and reached over to place his hand over mine. He didn't say anything; he just stroked his thumb against the back of my hand like he had done so many times before.

When it was time for us to step out, I felt the familiar surge in my stomach. It was time to be on again. I didn't have the best track records with red carpets but I hoped it would be a case of three times lucky.

With Nate by my side, I always felt lucky though.

Screams erupted from the crowd but somehow it wasn't in a manner that made me feel uneasy; it made me feel excited.

The first thing I spotted was the Campervan Katie that I knew Joe had actually driven onto the red carpet with Caspar in the passenger seat. How cool was that?

"Nate! Abbey!" it seemed to sound from all angles. I felt the good energy vibrating through the air. Most people had arrived all ready and were either being interviewed, photographed or chatting, singing and taking selfies with the viewers.

"You ready to work the crowd, milady?" Nate said with a chuffed grin.

"You bet ya," I said and winked at my gorgeous boy.

We went to the same line of people but slightly apart as I fought my inner-instinct to refuse selfies. I didn't dislike them that much anymore but it still wasn't my favourite type of photos. I also signed things for the people who wanted it and magically when we where near a part of the crowd it actually quieted down, that were until Nate pulled out his camera. Somehow that always got the crowds to go wild.

I rolled my eyes at Nate's vlogging antics and signed a book I was handed. Upon closer inspection I could see that it was a notebook and by a quick browse through the pages I saw many of my friends' autographs as well as some of mainstream celebrities.

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