Chapter 25: Aussie holiday & #TBearHen party

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Australia was breathtakingly beautiful. We spend most of our time in Sydney but we also visited the lesser-known areas around the capital. We hung out with Connor and Troye every single day but not all of the day as we usually spend either the morning or the afternoon together but never both.

Nate filmed with both of the boys as well and that took up half a day. To be fair, Nate and Connor's video was shot out and about and we spend a lot of time travelling from place to place. Nate had admired Connor and Troye's "artsy" videos and wanted to do something similar for his channel.

I could hardly wait to see the result, as I also really liked those videos. If I were ever to start a channel that would be the sort of content I would put on it.

Other than that half-filming day, we had agreed no "work". We only had a few days and we would use our holiday time to relax. I was pleased that Nate seemed to reach for the vlogging camera less and less and ended up mostly describing what we were doing or only filming short clips. I knew his viewers might not like it as much but I needed to be selfish about this.

As promised, Troye had let me listen to one of his new songs and it was incredible. I wanted to have it on repeat until I knew every word. To be honest, his Australian accent in his songs sometimes threw me off as to what exactly he was saying and I had asked him about a word or two. Furthermore, the boy liked word play like in "Fun" when it in the chorus could either be "midday, son" or "midday sun". That sneaking boy tried to confuse us on purpose.

Our five days passed so quickly and before we knew it we needed to head back home to England. We would only be there a little over a day as I wanted to attend Tanya's Hen Party and then we needed to fly to Los Angeles. When we said goodbye to Connor and Troye before heading to the airport, I did feel a little annoyed at Nate because we would "waste" so much time flying. However, at the same time I had had such a lovely time in Sydney and wouldn't have been without the amazing experiences and unforgettable holiday.

"I'll miss you two," I said to the two boys as I hugged them goodbye.

"We'll miss you too, Abbey, but remember it's not long until Vidcon," Connor reassured me.

"But you'll be busy and Troye's like only staying a day or so," I said a bit disheartened. The last three days had been proper holiday time and I didn't really want to break the trance although I was very much looking forward to going to Tanya's party back home.

"I'm all over the place, we'll meet again soon, Abbey," Troye said. "I did do you a little favour though, although it's strictly for your and Nate's eyes only."

I looked up at Nate who stood right besides me and as I expected he was grinning mischievously. He always knew what was going on before me. I looked to Connor for answers but his expression matched Nate's.

"I put the song onto your phone," Troye said. "I'm really happy that you love it so much and I couldn't bare to have you go without it until I release it."

"Troye, that's... amazing. Are you sure though?" I asked frantically. I felt like that was a huge responsibility. What if I lost my phone and someone found the track? Granted, I had never lost my phone before. Also, the army of Troyeblemakers would literally hunt me down if they knew I had one of Troye's unreleased songs.

Troye chuckled. "I'm sure you'll protect it with your life. I trust you, Abbey."

How could Troye be so sure? Of course, I would never expose it but he didn't know me that well. The question still buzzled me as we sat down in the plane.

"What's up, Abbs?" Nate asked. "Worried about Troye's song?"

I shushed him. "Not so loud," I whispered and looked around. What if some of his viewers were on the plane with us?

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