Chapter 33: Vlogging SitC 2015

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My phone was lying on the table besides me when Emma rung me. The vibrations actually scared me and I jumped. I had been editing a blog post about the animal shelter.

"Hi Ems," I said and held my phone in place between my neck and shoulder, so I could still use my hands.

"Abbey, did you talk to Megan yesterday?" she asked. She sounded worried.

"No, why? What happened?" I asked and took the phone in my hand and got off my chair in one swift movement. People always say to sit down if there's bad news but standing makes me feel in control.

"Her uncle died... She wasn't very close with him but she's going to the funeral, which is today."


"I'm taking you with me to Summer in the City instead!" she exclaimed excitedly.

"Excuse me, what? I'm not going to Summer in the City. Shouldn't you be worried about your girlfriend's dead relative?"

"Megan is a tough nail and she says she's fine. I even asked her if she wanted me to come with her and she looked at me like I had three heads. She explicitly said that I had to go to Summer in the City. It's the first YouTube convention where I'm actually an invited guest and I'll have a proper meet-up."

"That's all well and dandy, Ems. But that doesn't really concern me. I'm busy..."

"Abbey, you've been busy for two weeks straight. If it isn't university, then it's a photo shoot or the animal shelter. I miss you and I'm bringing you with me. You've been my unofficial manager for so long now!"

"Only because you refuse to sign on with anyone besides Gleam," I sighed. In September of last year, I had agreed to help Emma with the business side of her channel until she got a proper management team behind her. Unfortunately, she wouldn't settle for anything less than Gleam.

"Actually, I have news about that..."

"What?" I asked, thoroughly confused by the whole ordeal.

"Meet me outside your flat in fifteen minutes. Dress cute and grab your bag. We're going to Summer in the City and I won't even let you protest. I know you've been avoiding everything YouTubey but this is an exception. Don't you remember when I dragged you along years ago when it was just people sitting on the grass? SitC has a special place in my heart and we're going!"

With that Emma hung up and I was left staring at my phone. I knew how much SitC mattered to Emma, especially this year where she was actually invited as a creator. She had amassed 400,000 something since May 2014, which was impressive but because she was such a newcomer to a field where the majority of people had there from 2012 and earlier, it had taken time for her to get recognition.

I rolled my eyes at my sister's demanding antics but I kind of wanted to go. I hadn't seen people in forever; I only really talked to my classmates when I was at university or David when I was at the animal shelter. My social life had been deader than usual.

I put on my black dungarees, which I had been living in since I had bought them on Tanya's recommendation, over a white shirt. I combed through my mess of a hair and let it hang loose. I actually liked that it had gotten long again. I applied a natural look of make-up and took a deep breath just as someone rung my doorbell.

The one thing I loved about staying in the flat, which was still filled with unpacked boxes, was that no one ever rung my doorbell. Back at Nate's old flat I had started to dread the sound but here no viewers turned up. Hopefully, they wouldn't figure out our location when Nate returned with his daily vlogs.

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