Chapter 34: Back to normal

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After Summer In The City, I lowered my tempo as Emma had been suggesting all along. Mostly because I was forced to when my body refused to get out of bed the day after. I had gone to the event, feeling drained and worn out beforehand, but had gotten energy back when the excitement set in. However, although it had been fun, I had been running on fumes all day and I practically collapsed onto my bed when I reached my flat. Never had the flights of stairs felt that difficult to climb.

Nate had loved the vlog actually he had been ecstatic. I checked up on it a few days after it had been uploaded. I usually stayed away from the comment section of Nate's vlogs because although the majority was nice, I didn't want to read those invasive or mean comments.

I was pleased to see that the majority of people were really happy that I vlogged the event. Nate had quickly vlogged an introduction to explain the unique situation. I was taken aback by the many comments asking me to make a YouTube channel myself. The majority of the comments were about that. I wondered if they realised I was just a normal girl, not a YouTuber whose life was interesting enough to vlog. That had been a special occasion and a one-off.

I knew Nate just vlogged everyday things too and sometimes he's vlogs could be considered "boring" but somehow they never were. Even if he didn't do much, he was so funny that the whole vibe of the video made it worth the watch.

I wondered if I could ever be capable of making a channel. Not doing vlogs but maybe something different. For a long time I had admired Connor's videos and his special style of filming. Maybe I would like to do something like that.

I knew many bloggers transferred onto YouTube. I just never thought I'd be able to make the leap. But then again, I never thought I would willingly show my face to hundred of thousands strangers online.

"Where's your head at?" David asked me the following day when I was volunteering at the shelter. We were out for a walk with some of the dogs, my favourite activity. I was still impressed that I could walk with four dogs at the same time.

"Just thinking about my..." I said but struggled to find the appropriate word. Career? Blogging sort of had become my job. At least partly. Hobby? Because it was still also a hobby and something I did when I had down time.

"Cat got your tongue?" he asked with a cheeky grin. Just at the mention of a cat one of my dogs snapped her head in direction of David. She was extremely clever and recognised so many words even though I wasn't sure how.

"It's a difficult situation. Sort of work related but then again not really," I said. The chats I had with David were always really casual and we didn't know too much about each other. Usually, we just talked about the animals.

"You could tell me, you know. I'm more than a pretty face that loves animals," he said with a chuckle.

I bit into my lower lip and focused my eyes on the dogs in front of me.

"Well, lately I've been thinking of expanding an aspect of my... career I guess. It's a big leap that I never thought I'd ever do. Never in a million years. But lately... there's this little voice telling me; maybe I should dare it."

"Go for it," David said nonchalantly. "What is the worst that can happen? Go for it."

"Hm," I muttered. He was just like Emma. I hadn't asked her because I knew she'd be jumping around the room chanting victoriously. She had wanted me to start a channel for so long because she was convinced it would be amazing.

I wasn't sure. Also as much as I wished I wasn't, I was scared of the reaction from YouTube viewers. I'd be accused of leeching off my family and friends' success. I was a well-known face in a circle of the most popular British vloggers and if I were to start a channel, I'd get a huge jumpstart. I wouldn't have to patiently build an audience for years. It felt as if I was cheating at the game.

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