Chapter 29: WILD Vidcon

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My eyes bolted open and I swung into a sitting position. I felt well rested and happy. My poorliness from yesterday seemed to have vanished like morning dew in the sun. I looked to the sleeping boy next to me and I had a feeling I owed him the credit.

Nate and I had continued walking around LA until we watched the sun set. I had been feeling better after his kind words and because I had practically slept all day, I hadn't been very tired. Nate's eyes had been red-rimmed and dopey but the spark in them had been excited and he insisted on being awake with me until I fell asleep.

When we had gone back to the hotel after watching one of the most beautiful sunsets I had ever seen, we had cuddle up with Netflix and Nate had drifted off to sleep. I'm sure I followed shortly after because I closed my eyes and listened to his soft snore while I rested my head on his chest.

"What's the matter?" Nate half-shouted and bolted up into a sitting position next to me. He rubbed his eyes vigorously and looked at me. "You okay?"

"I am," I answered and leaned over to kiss his cheek. "Actually I'm more than okay. I feel wonderful," I said.

"That's good," he said with his hoarse morning voice and yawned widely. I couldn't help myself; he was practically begging me to do it. I stuck my finger into his mouth and ruined his yawn.

"Abbs," he complained and bashed my hand away lazily.

"Sorry, love," I said but I didn't really mean it. Nate could tell from my teasing tone.

"What's on the programme today?" I asked excitedly, flipping over the covers and jumping out of bed.

"I have a meeting and then the closing ceremony and that's about it. Actually," he said looking at the time on his phone, "my meeting is coming up. I should get ready."

Nate got up with heavy limps and ran his fingers through his messy bedhead while he sat on the edge of the bed.

"You know, you wouldn't be this tired if you hadn't insisted on keeping me company," I said, feeling a little guilty even if it was Nate's own idea. I jumped back onto the bed and gave him a hug from behind. He leaned back against me and started tracing patterns up my forearms.

"Couldn't not have stayed up with you," Nate said. "What are your plans today?"

"I'm meeting up with Emma and Megan and later I'm finding Connor, so we can fangirl together at Troye's album announcement."

"Sounds fun," Nate said, his fingers still moving up and down my arms. "You better be the one to get us out the door or I'll stay here forever in you embrace."

We sat in silence for a minute or two, neither of us wanting to break the embrace or the silence.

"Let's go sleepy head," I finally said with a heavy sigh. As much as I looked forward another fun-filled day, it was tempting to stay in bed with Nate.

We finally got our butts out of the hotel room and got a car to the convention centre. No one questioned me even if I didn't have a creator's pass.

"Do you think everyone think that I'm your management?" I asked Nate in a whisper after we had left the car and security had greeted us the same way as the driver; no questions asked.

"Maybe? You do study communication and you do help me manage my affairs, both public and private, so are you sure you're not my manager?" Nate responded and shot me a smirk.

"You'd be the worst client," I teased.

"No? I wouldn't. Everyone at Gleam loves me. I'm very professional," Nate said and pretended to be offended.

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