Chapter 28: Delirious at Vidcon

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I felt poorly the moment I opened my eyes. My head was pounding and my stomach rumbled. I ran straight to the bathroom.

"Abbs? Are you okay?" Nate asked from the other side of the bathroom door. His voice was heavy with sleep. He had stirred awake besides me the moment I rose. It took nothing to wake that boy.

"I'm fine," I said but even I didn't believe my own words. Fine seemed to be the go-to word when you weren't in fact feeling fine which was stupid in my opinion even if I did it myself. I wanted to be fine. This was day two of Vidcon. Also, I didn't want to be sick in front of Nate. I wanted to be left alone in the bathroom until everything settled down.

"Can I come in?" Nate asked softly, losing his morning voice more and more for every word he spoke. I didn't want the morning voice I loved to be tainted with worry, it seemed it was all I ever brought him. It had to stop.

"Just give me a few minutes," I said. "I'm feeling poorly."

I heard his footsteps leave the door and the bed creak under his weight. I breathed a sigh of relief as I composed myself. When I finally exited the bathroom I dove right back into bed and cuddled up to Nate.

"When did you get home last night?" I asked him because I was sure I'd been in a deep slumber by that time.

"Around 10 PM and we did cuddle if you're wondering," Nate said with humour in his voice.

"Wasn't I asleep?" I asked in confusion. My lovely boyfriend was making no sense.

"Yes, but apparently you can cuddle in your sleep. As soon as I got under the covers, you pulled me to you and snuggled up. It was quite adorable."

"I must have missed you," I said. I always missed the feeling of him next to me in bed. On the rare occasions when he wasn't there, I actually had trouble sleeping although I hadn't told him that.

"What do you have today?" I asked and reminded myself that I should pay attention to him this time.

"A few interviews and then I'm doing my meet-up today. I think it's set for five hours."

"That's a long time," I said. I knew how worn-out Nate was after a meet-up because he would always be energised and interactive for so many hours straight and then only relax when the whole thing was over. He wanted to make it the best possible experience for his viewers.

"Yeah, but I love meeting them. I love hearing their stories. There are rumours about the fact that we aren't allowed to sign anything during meet-ups but I'm going to ignore that. Of course, they can get their things signed."

"You're so sweet," I said. I loved his love for his viewers even if it unintentionally got between us at times. "I think I'm going to skip today."

"I figured as much. You over-did it yesterday, didn't you? Emma told me about the impromptu meet-up and all of the different things she dragged you around to."

"It was fun," I said, defending my sister. "She didn't make me do anything I didn't want to do. I'm just tired and I want quiet for a while you know. I think I might still be hearing the echoes of the screams like how your ears are still buzzing the day after a concert. When do you need to leave?"

"A few minutes ago," he confessed.

"Nate!" I scolded. "Get your butt ready. You can't be late. You're always pushing it to the last minute. Get ready, boy!"

Nate just laughed at me but hurried to change.

"I'll stop by if my schedule allows it. And call me if you need anything. Order as much room service as you'll like and I'll be back tonight at the latest and look after you."

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