Chapter 24: Paper Towns premiere

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I was shaking. Visibly shaking. I looked at my mirror image and could hardly believe my eyes. I didn't look like myself at all and although without the get-up I would look like a fish out of water, right now I still felt like one.

"You don't like the make-up?" Troye's manager Emma asked. I had turned to her for advice on my make-up and she had kindly helped me a lot.

"No, it's beautiful," I answered quickly. I didn't mean to offend her. "It's just very different from what I'm used to..." I added.

"I could help you tone it down if you want to?" Emma added sweetly. She had gone above and beyond to help me. I was only a friend of Troye's. I thought she would be very nice from what I had heard about her from Connor but she was even sweeter than I expected.

"No, it's appropriate and it looks very nice. I just need to get used to it," I said. She grabbed my hand and squeezed it gently.

"I'll go check if the boys are ready," she said and walked out, closing the door behind her.

I was wearing a long black to grey ombre dress with many layers in the skirt. It stopped just short of my ankles but had a slit up one side. At the bottom, it was pitch black and at the top it was light grey as the colour lightened as they progressed to the top. The top part was strapless and clutching to my stomach and chest. With the cat eyes and the nude lipstick, I looked very, very glamorous.

I twirled a few time in front of the mirror. I did look good. I needed to accept that it was okay to say that you looked good. I never really thought I looked good, I thought I looked comfortable in my regular clothes but even on the rare occasions when I did dress up, I never looked this good. The dress' fabric felt soft on my skin and the more I moved around, the more I liked it.

"Abbs?" Nate said as he knocked on the door. "Can I come in?"

"Yes," I said and I sounded almost breathless. I wasn't sure why.

The door swung open and revealed Nate standing in a black form-fitted suit. He also wore a light grey shirt underneath and a very mesmerised look on his face.

"You look... I... Abbs... gorgeous!" Nate stammered through his words.

"Thank you," I said, lowering my head slightly to hide the blush spreading in my cheeks. "You look very handsome, honey. Gorgeous as ever. And we match!" The last part I added with a roll of my eyes, this practically had Emma written all over it. My sister must have been so proud of herself. I reminded myself to take a photo with Nate and send it to her as a thank you. She'd like that.

"Milady," Nate said as he bowed down and stretched his hand towards me. "Will you do me the honour of joining me for this premiere?"

I chuckled at his silliness but gently put my hand in his. We walked out hand in hand.

"Ah! My OTP feels!" Troye teased as he spotted us.

He looked dapper in black trousers and a patterned shirt. Connor sat next to him in black trousers, a white shirt with a cool blue jacket over it. I knew Emma would literally kill me if I didn't get those two photographed as well.

"You look beautiful, Abbey," Connor said. "I hardly ever have the pleasure of seeing you in a dress."

"It's a rare occasion," Nate agreed and gave my hand a squeeze as he learned closer and whispered: "I like the messy haired in sweats version a little bit more."

Maybe, it seemed odd for Nate to confess something like that or maybe, you should assume he was lying. After all, I looked much prettier now, and clean for that matter, but I didn't doubt his words for a second. Not just because I knew, he would never lie to me but also because hoarse-voiced, squinty eyed and flat haired Nate was my favourite too. The Nate that no one really got to see, except from his vlogs on rare occasions.

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