Chapter 31: Dealing with feelings

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When we got home to the Zalfie household, Zoe and Nala were cuddled up in bed but were awake as Alfie had hoped. As soon as Zoe heard us come in, she ran down the stairs and enveloped me in a big hug while Nala scattered around our feet, jumping excitedly.

Zoe didn't utter a word but the embrace spoke for her. I knew we had discussing missing our boys before and she knew how I actually hated that I depended on Nate so much for comfort.

When Zoe finally let me go, she jumped into Alfie's arms. They looked like an odd couple when they hugged sometimes as Zoe was so tiny and Aflie so tall and broad-shouldered. I never really thought that myself, somehow they seemed like a perfect fit in my eyes.

"Do you need anything before bed? Tea?" Zoe asked me and yawned. It was past her usual bedtime.

I shook my head gently and kneeled down to say hello to Nala, who now seemed full of beans, I hoped she'd be able to go back to sleep. She seemed even more in my face than usual and continued to try and lick my cheeks.

They decided tonight was one of the nights where Nala would cuddle with them and we all went upstairs. They retired to their bedroom and I went into the guest room, which I felt so familiar with even though I hadn't stayed there much. I had seen it in countless of Zoe's videos, as it was her preferred filming spot.

I twisted and turned around in the sheets unable to find peace. I hated not being able to sleep because sleeping was one of my favourite things ever and usually, I had no problem falling asleep. I knew I was probably just overthinking as I had been used to sleeping on my own for nineteen years and shouldn't be this affected by missing Nate's warm body next to mine.

When morning streaks shone through the window, I felt like giving up trying to sleep. I sighed deeply but then quickly quieted myself as I heard something, a tick tacking on the floor. I glanced at the open door, more confused than scared to see the little black gulp of Nala in the doorway.

"I'm sorry if I woke you, Nala," I whispered to the dog, instantly feeling bad. Especially since it just reminded me of how light a sleeper Nate was.

Nala sniffled and walked over to the bed and put one of the front paws up on the bed frame.

"You want to come up? Shouldn't you be sleeping with your mummy and daddy?" I asked but Nala didn't move.

I gave in and reached down and pulled her up on the bed with me. I returned to lying on my side and Nala instantly curled up in a ball right next to my chest. I smiled silently and buried my nose in her soft fur.

I woke with a jolt, feeling extremely disorientated. I looked around to find surroundings I recognised but it wasn't the ones I had been expecting. I was in Zoe and Alfie's guestroom. I looked at my wristwatch and saw it was 10 AM, I had gotten more sleep than I thought I would have.

I hustled out of bed and walked down the stairs. Even before I got halfway down, Nala heard me and greeted me excitedly.

"Is that you, Abbey?" I heard Zoe call from the living room.

"Yes," I answered and walked towards to sound of her voice.

She greeted me with a warm smile. "Did you sleep okay?"

I shrugged. "Not at first but then Nala joined me and I calmed down."

"I saw that," Zoe said in wonder. "I've never had her leave me and Alfie to go sleep with someone else. Actually when I woke this morning I was slightly worried but then I saw her coming out of the guest bedroom."

I sat down on the big sofa next to Zoe to have Nala immediately jump onto my lap.

"It seems my little shadow has taken a liking to you," Zoe added.

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