Chapter 4: Love, Tanya Book Launch Party

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It was crazy how many launches I've had to go to recently. Both Tanya and Zoe had released beauty ranges and books. Tonight was the launch party for Tanya's book and I was so excited for her. I loved all the books from YouTubers and had made a special section for those books on our bookcase back at the flat. We had numerous copies of several of them but I didn't mind. Nate just made fun of me for behaving like a crazy fangirl but I knew he secretly liked how much I supported his friends. After all, about half the copies belonged to him.

Our door phone rang and I instantly felt on edge. A few of Nate's viewers knew our flat's address and sometimes they would actually wait outside or ring the phone. Every time it happened, I felt like my privacy was being utterly disregarded.

Nate went to pick up the phone and I looked over his shoulder. There was a little camera by the door and a few teenage girls were ringing our flat.

"Hello?" a voice said. This girl definitely had an American accent and was probably just visiting London. That was a tiny relief; at least she and her friends probably wouldn't be back.

"Is this Nate Hayden?" she asked and I could see the girls behind her jumping around in excitement. I got that they wanted to meet Nate but this was our private home, or Nate's private home because no one really knew that I lived here too.

Nate turned around to look me in the eye and I could see that it was getting on his nerves too. He was usually the most patient guy ever when he was around his viewers. I had seen him being pushed around by crowds at conventions and never once lose his cool. He wanted to make it the best experience for viewers but this was a world of difference. When he went to conventions or even when he walked around London, he was prepared and ready to greet his viewers but not here in outside our flat.

"Hello," Nate said through the phone and I could see the girls' eyes widen even on the tiny screen.

"Oh my god! It's actually you!"

"I'm sorry but I'm busy," he said harshly and it was the harshest tone I had ever heard him use to a viewer.

"We wanted to come say hi and get an autograph and a selfie," the girl in front of the others continued.

"I'll be down in a few minutes," Nate said and hung up.

I wanted to be mad at him. I didn't want him to encourage or reward viewers who overstepped the boundaries. However, I couldn't help but admire how he kept a level head in all situations. He pulled me into a tight hug.

"I'll tell them that this isn't okay and that they shouldn't come back nor give out our address," he whispered.

"I just don't understand why they can't see how violating this is," I said and felt my eyes watering. I was easy to make cry and often found myself tearing up when I was frustrated. It was the most annoying thing in the world. You could feel the tears pressing on but you could hold them in until someone spoke to you and tore the walls down.

"I know," Nate said in his gentlest voice and broke down my floodgates. I let out one strangled sob. I hated crying, I hated how I made myself feel like this. Why couldn't I take it as calmly as Nate?

"I'll be right back," he said and kissed my forehead before he was out the door.

I had to get ready to the party and now my eyes were all puffy. I felt so frustrated and then I did something I had never done before. I grabbed Nate's vlogging camera and pressed record.

"Hi Nate, who's editing this," I said and gave him a smile. "You've always said how therapeutic it is to speak to a camera, so I thought I would give it a quick try. You don't have to put any of this in your vlog. Actually, you better not. I'm not as strong or calm as you and I'm a much more private person. I'm the girlfriend who'll get so stressed that I almost cry because viewers come knocking on the flat's door. I'm not sure the viewers understand how violating it feels. Of course, you handle it well, as always. I don't know where you have that endless supply of calmness from but I'm happy that you're always trying to share it with me. But please, we need to let the viewers know that it's not okay to go to the flat to see you. I know they don't mean any harm but it's really stressing me out."

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