Chapter 22: Heat wave and Louise's book launch

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I had packed up most of the flat while Nate had been in Manila but luckily we had managed to negotiate that we could stay in it until we left on the 3rd of July. Nate was back now and had been busier than ever preparing for his collab month; he had shot a few of the collabs already but had yet to film the reveal and introduction. He had left to film it the very day the video needed to go up.

I had missed him while he had been gone even though it had only been four days and I had gotten loads of vlogs from him, Joe and Oli. Caspar seemed to be the only of the boys not vlogging but then he did update his Snapchat story a lot instead. Manila had seemed crazy and out of control and I had feared a little for Nate's safety when I watched the videos.

But alas, he had gotten home safe and he hadn't worried about that at all. As he said, it was their viewers and he would never be scared of them. Their show at FanFest had been amazing and I could hear that Nate had enjoyed getting some guy-time with some of his best friends.

The British weather had gotten so hot and today it reached over 30 degrees. I was wearing shorts even though I was a bit insecure about exposing my white legs to the sun. However, I didn't have any other options, as jeans in this heat would kill me. As much as I might complain about it being too hot I also wanted to make the most of it because the British summer didn't last long.

I popped my head into Nate's workroom while he was filming. It was a funny sight because the desk corner looked completely normal while everything out of the camera's view was emptied out. We didn't want to tell his viewers about the move just yet until we had settled in properly which wouldn't be until August.

Nate had stopped talking and looked in my direction. "Am I distracting you?" I asked.

"Always, love," he said and gestures for me to come closer.

My eyes darted to the camera but I knew he would edit this part out, so I had nothing to worry about. Still, I had gotten really sensitive around cameras in the sense that I always thought everything they captured would end up on the Internet.

When I was close enough, he pulled me onto his lap and looked so happy with himself. I told him that he needed to edit our kiss out, even though I knew he would anyway, and told him to hurry up so we could go for a picnic.

Not more than five minutes later, he walked out saying he had finished filming.

"I'll still need to edit and upload it but I'll be quick," he said before hurrying back to the room to get to work.

I sat down cross-legged on the sofa. The breeze from our open windows was lovely although the London air might be a bit polluted. I had shot some photos for a magazine a few days ago and now, I was running through them picking the best ones. I still found it difficult to work with people, especially models trained to look at the camera, but I'd slowly gotten better at it.

I got consumed in my work and before I knew it, Nate was ready to go.

"I just talked to Marcus and Niomi," he said. "How do you feel about a joint picnic?"

"I'd love that!" I exclaimed and closed my computer. The rest of my work could wait. "Although, that means we have to dig out all of our healthy food."

Marcus and Niomi were such a good influence on us. Slowly but surely, our diets were changing and I found it easier and easier to choose the healthier alternatives. I'd also started following a lot of healthy food blogs and they helped inspire me too.

If only healthy food wasn't so difficult to get or expensive. Thankfully, that's slowly changing and it's quite assessable in London, so Nate and I had no excuses.

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