Chapter 18: Luke's big break

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It was great to be done with my exams. It felt liberating and I didn't even care that the social media was still buzzing with Nate and I's news. He had been working hard trying to come up with ideas for a new project on his channel as a thank you for 5 million subscribers.

I felt light and unburdens because the weight of exams had finally left me. I knew I hadn't been easy to be around for the last month but I was thankful everyone had put up with me. Now, it was time to spend some energy on keeping up with my relationship and friendships.

And one person I in particular needed to catch up with was Luke. He had been absent minded lately, actually for quite a while when I thought about it. However, with me going back to university, Emma's coming out and then exams, I hadn't been able to focus on him. It made me feel uneasy because although I was his little sister, I felt like I had to look after him. His alcohol problem was kept at bay as far as I knew but I would hate to see him have a relapse. He had come so far since moving to LA but without our uncle supplying him with a place to live and a job, I was worried what had happened with him.

I tried to call him on Skype but he was set to Do not disturb, so I wasn't getting through. In a huff of annoyance, I dialled his phone number instead.

"Abbey?" Luke answered hesitantly after it had rung five times. He sounded like he was unsure who I was or sleep-deprived. I didn't allow my mind to go to the most obvious place; he sounded hung-over.

"Luke, what is going on?" I said loudly and could hear him groan on the other end.

"It's nine in the morning here, Abbey," Luke answered.

I glanced at my wristwatch and he was correct. Sometimes I hated that damn time difference but that didn't really excuse his grogginess.

"Why aren't you up yet?" I asked.

"Chill out, mum," Luke said and chuckled. "I assume you've finished your last exam if you have the energy to scold me."

I could hear him yawn and just the sound of it was contagious.

"Don't change the subject. Why are you still in bed? What did you do last night?" I asked and spoke more and more rapidly. I was getting really worried.

"I was working 'til four in the morning, Abbey," he said and sounded more awake and clearheaded.

"Okay," I said and took a deep breath. He sounded truthful and I wanted to trust my big brother.

"But..." he said and lingered on the word. "I do have something important to share with you and Emma."

"What?" I asked quickly. I wasn't sure I could take the suspense of waiting for him to tell Emma too.

"I'd rather tell you together and with video. Don't worry it's a good surprise. Get together with Emma and skype me when you're together."

And with that he hung up and probably buried himself back into the duvet.

I wanted to redial immediately but honoured his wishes by going to Emma's flat.

"So he didn't tell you what he wanted to tell us?" Emma asked as she plopped herself down on her bed. Of course, the twins had guests occupying the shared living room. I didn't mind retreating to Emma's room, it was just the fact that I had to plough through a crowd of strangers to get to it.

"No, he just said it was a good surprise and told me to get you, so he could tell us together."

"Sounds exciting," Emma said without a hint of worry. She loved surprises unlike me. Sometimes I envied her light approach to life. She took it in strides and with a bright smile whatever the world threw at her.

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