Chapter 9- A brief moment in history

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Author's note: This is flashback Bones' has. I use McCoy instead of Bones because he didn't have that nickname yet, so sorry if it confused you,

anyways, here is a line from a song I think really speaks for this chapter. It's from a really great song. You should check it out :) 

"It was easy when you were younger..." -EZ by Pete Yorn.

(I know it's about a beakup, but that one line really says a lot for this chapter.)


13 years ago…

After a long day in school, McCoy didn’t expect to be hugged by a little girl while he walked back to his dorm.

“Daddy!” She called. Bones looked down to see the tiny girl hugging his leg. She looked up at him with her tree brown eyes. They grew wide at his unfamiliar face.  As she began to back up from him, someone picked her up.

“Sorry about that.” A voice apologized. McCoy looked up to see a man with sand colored hair and the same tree brown eyes as the girl.

“It’s alright.” McCoy replied. “Hey… Aren’t you…?”

The man chuckled at McCoy.“Yes indeed.”

McCoy’s jaw dropped.

“Wow it’s an honor to meet you sir! I’ve heard so many stories about your adventures in space.” McCoy said while shaking his hand.

“You tend to have a lot when you’re a medical officer.” The man replied. As McCoy continued to talk to him, the little girl in his arms began reaching out to him.

“Looks like she wants you to hold her.” The man chuckled while trying to hold the girl back. McCoy laughed as the girl wrapped her arms around his neck. She was a stubborn one.

“That’s funny; she never really likes anyone to hold her but me.” The man commented as he patted her back.

“Is this your daughter?” McCoy asked. The man nodded. It was strange really; the man had sand colored hair, and the girl had wavy dark brown hair, which was pulled back in a messy ponytail. They didn’t look much alike except for their eyes. While McCoy held her, she was playing with something.  By now, she was sitting upright and had one arm slung around his neck for support. She held out a small toy spaceship and made rocket noises. McCoy starred at it in confusion. That didn’t look like the spaceships they had sent out into space.

“Where’d you get that?” He asked.

“It’s a prototype. One of my engineering friends gave it to her as a gift.” The man replied. “They said Starfleet is trying to make this, but they won’t be done for a while.” 

“So it’s something that they are planning to make?” McCoy asked.

“Mhm. My friend promised her that they would be done by the time she was a teenager. That way she could ride it.” The man chuckled.

“What’s her name sweetie?” The man asked his daughter.

“The Enterprise.”  The little girl replied.

“That’s what they want to call it?” McCoy asked.

“For now. You never know if they’ll keep the name or change it.” The man sighed. As they continued to talk about medical information, the girl continued to play. She didn’t mind being in the arms of a total stranger who was a fan of her father’s work.

“She really likes you.” The man laughed as the girl used McCoy’s cheek as a landing spot.

“I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.” McCoy laughed nervously.

“It’s good. Children are the best judges of character.”

McCoy smiled at his reply, then looked at the girl. She was still busy playing with her toy.

“What’s your name?” He asked. She looked at him, then down at her toy, as if she was shy. When McCoy tickled her, she smiled and squealed, pushing his hand away lightly.

“So do you want to ride a spaceship someday?” He asked, pointing to her toy. She nodded.

“What do you want to be?”

“Doctor.” She replied.  McCoy looked at the man.

“So she’s following in her father’s footsteps?” He commented. The man smiled. As McCoy continued to play with the little girl, he noticed something about the man. Every time the man looked at the girl, a small look of sadness glinted in his eyes. He wondered why.

When it was time for them to leave, the girl wouldn’t let go of McCoy. The man tried to talk her back into his arms, but she wouldn’t budge.

“I have to leave too.” McCoy added. “Got some homework to do.”

The girl looked at him.

“Don’t worry. We’ll probably see each other again.” He continued. The girl gazed down at her ship, then went back to her father. As they began walking separate ways, she looked over her father’s shoulder and waved. When McCoy waved back, she smiled. It made him smile as well. 

Boarding Cassandra ( A Star Trek Fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora