Chapter 7- Happy Birthday

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The darkness began fading into light as Cassandra's eyes flickered open. She starred up at the grey ceiling and sighed. Memories from the attack raced through her mind.

did that really happen? She thought to herself. As she shifted in her bed, a dull pain in her legs and arms formed.

guess that's proof.

A loud squeaking noise startled her as she looked around. When she looked down, she saw a brown fur ball in her arm, which was wrapped in bandages. Cassandra smiled and petted the tribble. When she turned to the clock monitor to see what time it was, tears welded it up in her eyes.

6:40, March 18......

It was the next day. She looked back at the tribble and sighed.

"Happy Birthday to you...." She began sing softly.

"Happy Birthday to you..."

"Happy Birthday dear Cassandra..." Her voice began to shake as she continued.

"Happy Birthday..." Before she could finish, she broke into sobs.

"to you...."

Boarding Cassandra ( A Star Trek Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora