Chapter 44

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Bruno's POV

"SHE'S HAVING THE BABY?!" Presley yelled into the phone.

"Yes." I responded.

"Oh my god. I will be right there." Presley told me excitedly.

Presley ended the call before I can tell her okay. I stood out of the room, so they can get everything ready for the c-section. The doctor called me in, and I pulled a chair over to Jessica.

"How you feeling, babe?" I asked.

"I'm numb from the lower half of my body. I can feel them moving inside me, this isn't the best feeling." Jessie answered.

"It will all be over soon." I told her.

"I hope so." She responded.

Jessica's POV

Before getting my cesarean, the anesthesiologist gave me a spine block. The big needle went straight into my spine. It hurt but I manage to stay strong. Couple of minutes later, the lower half of my body went numb. The operating room staff inserted a catheter into my bladder and place sterile drapes over my tummy. They also place a short screen on my abdomen so the field remains sterile, and so I don't have to watch myself getting cut. Bruno walked in, and pulled the chair next to me.

"How you feeling, babe?" Bruno asked.

"I'm numb from the lower half of my body. I can feel them moving inside me, this isn't the best feeling." I answered.

"It will all be over soon." Bruno said.

"I hope so." I responded.

"Okay Jessica. You will be feeling some pressure." The doctor told me.

A load of pressure hit me. I tighten my eyes together. Then, I heard the sound of a baby cry. I looked at Bruno as a happy tear rolled down my cheek.

"Time of birth?" The doctor asked.

"2:13 am." One of the nurses responded.

"Was that Isaac?" I asked.

"Yes." Bruno answered, with a big smile on his face.

"Now for Isabella." I said.

A couple minutes later, the doctor said," More pressure."

Another load of pressure hit me. Loud cries were heard minutes later.

"She's going to be a singer with lungs like those." Bruno said. I chuckled.

"Time of birth?" The doctor asked again.

"2:17am." The nurse answered.

"Baby boy is 7 pounds, 2 ounces, and 18 inches." The pediatrician told us. "Baby girl is 7 pounds, 4 ounces, and 17 inches."

The doctor finish stitching me back up, which takes long because he has to close each layer of muscle. I was sent to the recovering room. Soft knocks hit the door. I got excited.

"Ready to meet your babies?" The nurse asked.

"Yes." I said excitedly.

"Here's your baby girl." She grabbed Isabella out of the hospital grade bassinets.

I carried her tightly. She was so beautiful. Isabella had light tanned skin. She had the cutest little nose.

"She's so beautiful." I said.

"She looks a lot like mommy." Bruno said with a smile.

"Would you like to carry your son?" The nurse asked Bruno.

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