Chapter 22

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Jessica's POV

I got out of work, extremely tired. When I finally got home safe, I notice there was a car park in the driveway. I quickly walked to the front of the door,and opened it. Tears immediately came down my face, once I saw Bruno was in the living room kissing another girl.

"Bruno..." I said.

He turned and look at me and said, "Jessica. Please wait I can explain." I didn't wanna hear his excuses . I quickly ran out the house, to my car. "JESSICA! PLEASE WAIT!" I turned back and looked at him. Tears still running down my face."She kissed m...." I cut him off.

"Save it. I know exactly what your going to say. She kissed me, blah blah blah. I don't care anymore Bruno, this relationship is over. Goodbye." I ripped off the necklace he gave me off my neck, and threw it at him. It meant nothing to me, at the moment.

I opened the car door and got in, I reached for the door, and tried to close it, but Bruno pulled it back open. "Is this really what you wanna do?" He asked me. I didn't look at him, not even for a second.

"Yes. Why would I wanna be with someone that cheats on me anyways? " He let go of the door and I closed it. I locked all the doors and started the car. Bruno knocked on the window.

"Don't forget... I will always love you.." He told me.

That made me cry even harder. I drove off, not even knowing where I was going. I kept getting flashbacks of him kissing that girl. I wonder who this disgusting bitch is. After driving around for half and hour, I drove to a hotel. Not one near by, just in case Bruno came looking for me. I got the key to my room, and realized I had work again in the morning. My uniform, was at the house. Everything was at the house. My clothes,shoes,hair tools,and toothbrush. The hotel had a balcony, and I walked out and looked at the moon, something I would always do when I was upset. Sometimes, I would talk to the moon, hoping for something good to happened. I walked back to the room,and got into bed, still with tears in my eyes. This really suck, I cried myself to sleep. I felt so hurt and used, just like my pervious relationships. Looks like nothing has changed, in my love life.

Waking up in the morning, wasn't to fun. I looked at the clock and it was 7:35. I start work in 3 hours, great. I left the room and drove back to, now, Bruno's house. I finally pulled up a block away from the house, somewhere he wouldn't see me. I made sure to wait for him to leave the house, before entering. Finally, after 15 minutes of waiting, I saw him get out of the house. Bruno was wearing his usual, fedora and glasses. Gosh, he looked so cute. He drove off, and I quickly went to the house. It was crazy in there, it looked like an animal was living in there. The table was tossed over and the chairs to. I quickly went upstairs and pack everything. 6 suit cases later, I was finally done. All of my things were packed, and I was out of here. I left him a note telling him everything. How I was leaving for LA in 2 weeks, and how I felt about everything. I put the note on the bed. I looked at the dresser, there was a picture of Bruno and I. It made me tear up a bit. I walked down stairs and toke one last glance at everything. I fixed the table and chairs, and walked out the front door locking it behind me. This is the last time I'm going to be here.

Bruno's POV

Hearing Jessica end our relationship was just something I wished had never happened. Seeing her so hurt and in pain, just made me feeling terrible. I hate Natalie so much. Someone always has to ruin something good that's happening to me. I picked up the necklace from the floor, and hold it against my chest. After she left, I went back in the house, to kick out Natalie. She was standing there, with a big smile on her face.

"GET OUT!" I yelled at her.

"Oh calm down. You act like you didn't like it." She said in a sassy mood.

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