Chapter 13

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Jessica's POV

My legs felt weak. I fell on the floor hopelessly, making a big thump, causing Presley to hear. She ran upstairs, and banged on the door.

"Jessica?! Are you ok?!" She screamed.

But I couldn't talk. Tears were streaming down my face so hard, I could barely breath. Why did this have to happen to me? I heard the door bell ring it was probably Bruno. I tried to stop crying but I couldn't. I heard the door opened from the room. Hands wrapped around my body. His scent. It was Bruno.

"Everything's going to be ok." He whispered in my ear.

"How do you know?" I whispered back at him. Tears were still coming down my face.

"Trust me. This is all my fault. I told Officer Rodrigues." He looked me straight in the eyes.

"It's not your fault. You guys go to the beach without me. All I do cause is trouble."

"No you don't. I want you to go. It can be like old times." He looked at me and smiled. I couldn't help but smile back.

"So you're going to wear the swim suit I picked out?" He said smiling at me.

"Yes. I'm almost ready. I just need to put some shorts and a tank top."

"Ok. I will wait for you down stairs." He closed the door behind him and I finished getting ready.

I went down stairs and everyone was already ready. Presley and I drove in a separate car and went to go pick up Jamie, Tahiti, and Tiara. They brought their kids with them.

We got to the beach and went to the secret area Bruno and I found in high school. We named it the Mystery Island because we were the only ones that new about it,until we told everyone.

"Do you guys wanna go on the boat and maybe scuba dive?" Bruno asked us.

We nodded our heads and got on a very beautiful boat. We sailed off.

"Be careful boys." Jamie called to the kids. I walked to Jaimo.

"Hey buddy."

"Hi Jessica." He smiled at me. "How did you get that?" He asked pointing at the bruise on my arm.

"I hit my hand against the wall." I lied to him. I can't tell a 8 year old boy that my ex boyfriend beat me up.

"Someone needs to be more careful next time."

Someone said behind us. It was Bruno. Jaimo left to the other side of the boat and left Bruno and I alone.

"Are you liking this?" Bruno asked with a smile.

"Yeah. It's amazing." I smiled back.

"I know. I do like about 20 push-ups a day." He started to laugh.

"I'm taking about the ocean. Stop obsessing over yourself." I laughed.

"So, I've been wondering, what are you going to do after you graduate college?" He asked me.


"Obviously. Have I ever told you how proud I am of you?" He asked me smiling.

I smiled back, "No. No you haven't."

He started to lean into me. We were about to kiss but someone screamed causing both of us to flinch. We ran to the other side of the boat, to see what the problem was.

"What's the matter?!" Bruno yelled out.

Everyone was leaning over the rail. Jamie was freaking out. Her hands were over her head, tears were starting to form in her eyes.

"Jaimo fell off the boat! He can't swim!"

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