Chapter 9

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Jessica's POV

Bruno was that guy that was always there for me. I love him so much. It's hard not to. He means the world to me.

I sat on the bed crying my eyes out. I ruined their whole trip. I heard Bruno sit by me. He combed a piece of my hair back with his fingers, and wiped away my tears from my face.

"Everything is going to be all right. We have to leave now Officer Rodrigues orders."

"Thank you. Bruno, I'm truly sorry for all of this. You probably hate me so much right now. And, I just want you to know that-"

Next thing I remember, his lips were on mine. Our lips never broke connection. I looked into his lust filled eyes.

He whispered to me, "I love you."

My face turned red. A smile grew on my face. I wanted to explain to him how much I love him. How he makes my heart skip beats.

I opened my mouth to tell him how I felt, then the door opened. Phil appeared on the other side.

"Are you guys ready? We're all leaving in about 15 minutes." He spoke.

"Yeah we're done packing. Lets go." Bruno said getting up from the bed.

I helped Bruno with his suit case. We all got on the elevator, and headed outside. We turned in the key to the hotel room. There was two black vans waiting outside to take us to the airport.

We got to the airport and it was completely empty. Great, I have to ride on another plane again. The plane took off and everyone fell asleep. It was going to be a 9 hour flight and we haven't even slept at all. I fell asleep on Bruno's shoulder, again. The plane finally landed in Honolulu, Hawaii. It's our home town. We walked into the bag section to claim our bags.

"PRESLEY!" I heard Bruno scream.

Presley was waiting there to pick us up. She ran towards Bruno and past right by him, and hugged me instead.

"JESSICA! OH MY GOD I'VE MISSED YOU!" She screamed out loud.

We haven't seen each other in forever, and I missed her more than words can describe. We were always so close, but not as much as Bruno and I were.

"Oh my god Presley I've missed you too. How long has it been? Like 5 years?" I asked her

"Try like 9." She said giggling "Why in the hell are you wearing sweats and a sweater, it's freaking hot here." I looked down at my clothes I forgot I was still wearing Bruno's clothes.

"Here. Take my credit card Jessie. Buy what ever you're going to need! Go crazy for all I care!" He smiled and took out his credit card and put it right in front of my face.

"Thanks Bro! Come on Jessica, before he changes his mind!" Presley said, taking the card out of Bruno's hand.

I hugged Bruno tightly. He was like a brother to me. Always protecting me, like if he was my body guard. And when something went wrong, he would always blame it on himself.

"Thanks. For everything." I whisper in his ear.

"You're welcome. Now go!" He said kissing me on my cheek.

Presley and I walked to her car and got in. The entire way to the mall we were singing to all the songs on the radio like old times. We finally arrived at the mall, Tiara and Tahiti met up with us. Jamie was still in LA. She was going to flying out to Hawaii in a week. The girls picked a bunch of clothes out for me to try on.

"Damn, Jessica. You look good in everything." Tahiti said giggling.

"Looks like we're going to have to buy everything." Tiara said.

"Sorry bro." Presley said laughing.

"Lets get you some sexy underwear." Tahiti told me. I was ok with just any kind of underwear. But knowing them, of course it had to be sexy.

We walked into Victoria Secret and I got some bras and underwear.

"I think I'm done shopping girls." I told them sounding exhausted.

"Aww ok. Round two tomorrow." Presley laughed.

We drove to Presley's place. She was gonna let me stay with her for a while. Her home was beautiful. The inside was nicely decorated too.

"Leave your bags here, we will fix everything up later. My mom is dying to see you."

"Can I shower first and change?" I asked. I felt disgusting.

"Sure. Hurry up!" She said, handing me a towel and showing me where the bathroom was.

I looked down at my body. The marks that were along my skin. My hair that was in a tight bun. I didn't look like myself. I was in this dark place that was hard for me to find my way out of.

The water ran down my body, and trickled down the drain. I lathered my hair with shampoo and conditioner.

I pat myself dry, and walked into the guest bedroom. As I looked through the bags of clothes, I finally picked out an outfit to wear.

I pulled up my blue jeans, and button them around my waist. Once I put on my white tank top, I put my white, black, grey checkered flannel with red stripes, to cover the bruises on my shoulder.

My hair dried in a slightly wavy way like it usually did. Presley handed me her makeup. All I applied was mascara. 

We drove off to her mom's house. I always considered Bruno's family as my second one. Bernadette raised me like her own.

Presley parked across the street. I smiled looking back at the old home. Many memories fluttered back in.

From a distance, I can see a couple all up on each other. My heart stung slightly. It couldn't be him. Once we got closer to the couple, the man turned around.

The familiar chocolate brown eyes looked up at me. It felt like a knife just went through my heart. The girl looked at me simply, and smiled.

"Hi I'm Jasmine, Bruno's girlfriend."

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