Chapter 31

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Jessica's POV

Did those words just come out of my mouth? Heat of the moment, I guess. Lots of anger was inside me. Tyler has been acting weird lately. My feelings for Bruno grew stronger and stronger every time I saw him. They were stronger then what they were before. I know that it's bad to have those feelings, sense I'm in a relationship with Tyler, but with Bruno it's different.

"Fine! Goodbye Jessica!" Tyler yelled at me.

He headed towards the door, opened it, and slammed it shut. I sat on the couch, with my hands on my head. Our first night back in Hawaii, and we already were over. After about a hour sitting on the couch, trying to process what just happened, I got up and toke a cold shower. Taking cold showers, seemed to always sooth me. I got out, and quickly changed into my pjs. After that, I went to the bathroom, and brushed my teeth and got into bed. I wasn't in the best of mood.

In the morning, I decided I was going to watch Bruno's interview. He was going to be on a show called The Nancy Show. I guess she was super popular. I've never heard of her. Nancy walked out on stage. She looked very pretty. Bruno walked out next, he looked really handsome. They started to talk about the song, Just The Way You Are. I can feel my face getting red. Bruno looked a little nervous. I always knew when he was nervous. It wasn't obvious to other people, but to me it was. Nancy asked Bruno how he got inspired to write a song like this.

"Honestly, just from a personal experience. There was a girl, well, there IS a girl. That I really love, that I wrote that for. This song, just let's out all my emotions for her." I looked at the TV, my eyes went big, and my jaw dropped instantly.

Bruno actually said on life television he is still in love with me. This was something I really want to talk to Bruno about. Maybe we can be a thing again. They finished the interview, and I quickly ran upstairs to my room. I got dress into a beautiful thin pink flowing tank top. I put on some tan shorts, and a brown belt. My white vans were by the door, so I quickly put them on. My hair looked great. It looked like I put effort into it, but it just fell natural beautiful. I went to my bathroom and brushed my teeth. After that, I slipped my white iPhone in my packet.

My car keys were hanging on the wall, and I quickly grabbed them and headed towards the door. I made sure the front door was closed, and walked to my car. The first thing I wanted to do was go straight to Bruno's house. When I finally got there, there was two cars parked in the drive way. I decided to wait a little bit, for the other person to leave. The front door opened to Bruno's house, and it was Presley. I really just wanted to talk to him first. She drove off, and I quickly got out of the car, and ringed the door bell to Bruno's house. He opened it, and a smile was on his face.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey. Come in." He looked very happy.

"What are you so happy about?" I asked.

I heard the door close behind me.

"Presley bought me a puppy. Look."

I turned to face the puppy. It was adorable?

"Oh my god. It's adorable. What did you name it?" I asked.

"Geronimo. Want to hold him?" Bruno asked.

Bruno walked to me, and gave me the puppy. It was super cute. I pet it gently, then looked back at Bruno. He was looking at me deeply in the eyes.

"What's wrong?" He asked me.

"Tyler and I... We... We broke up..." I told him.

He sat down on the couch, right next to me. Bruno put his hand on my thigh, trying to comfort me.

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