Chapter 40

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*Day of the Wedding*

Jessica's POV

It's the day of the wedding, and boy I'm afraid. Bruno left last night, and stayed at his mom's house. He said if we saw each other before the wedding, it's bad luck. I woke up, and showered. I tired to stay relax. Once I got out of the shower, I slipped on a white T-shirt, that said, 'Mrs. Hernandez'. I pulled up some gray baggy sweats, and slipped on my slippers. I brushed my teeth, and washed my face after. The door bell ringed down stairs, and I went to go get it. I opened it, and all the girls were standing outside with there bridesmaid dresses. Pablo was behind them. I hired Tray and Olivia, that did my hair and makeup, at one of my photo shoots, to help out Pablo.

"You guys go upstairs. The room on the right." I instructed.

They all went upstairs, and hanged up there dresses in the closet. My hair was still wet, so Pablo said he was going to do my make up first.

"How you feeling, girl?" Pablo asked, as he pulled out his air brush foundation.

"I'm nervous. I just want everything to be perfect." I said worriedly.

"Don't worry, we all have everything under control. Do you need a glass of champagne?" He asked with a mischievous smile.

I giggle." Yes I do."

"Bring some glasses, and a bottle of champagne from down stairs, please!" Pablo yelled out loud.

He continued to do my makeup, as I heard someone pouring champagne in a glass.

"Here." I heard the familiar girl's voice say.I opened one eye, and noticed it was Valeria.

"Thanks. Any advice you can give me?" I asked, taking a drink of the champagne.

"I'm just going to give you the same advice you gave me. Stay calm, everything is going to be perfectly fine." Valeria told me.

"Okay. Thanks." I said.

"Hey Valeria. I'm ready to do your makeup." Olivia said.

Valeria walked and sat down on the makeup chair. I toke a deep breath in and out. A couple minutes later, the door bell ringed again.

"Presley, can you get that please?" I asked nicely.

"Of course." Presley answered.

She got up from the white sofa I had in the room, and walked towards the stairs. I heard foot steps climbing up the stairs, shortly after. A guy in his early 20s wearing a hat, came through the door. He was carrying what looked like 2 dozen red roses, and a small white card on top of it.

"Hello ladies. I got something for the new Mrs. Hernandez." He said.

"That's me." I said.

He placed the roses on the counter, then left. I quickly got up, and to look at the roses. Grabbing the note, I opened it up. I sat back down on the chair. The note said...

'Now that we start this next chapter in our life's, I wanted to let you know, that I'm happy it's with you. I love you to the moon and back, or what I like to say, Mars and back. It is farther. ;) I love you Jessica. And never forget it. ~B '

I smiled as I read the card.

"Aww. I got him something to, but I need someone to go give it to him." I said.

"I will go." Jamie volunteered.

"Really?! Thank you Jamie!" I said giving her a hug.

I pulled out a envelope, and handed it to her. Then, pulling out a rose from the vase, I gave her that to.

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