Chapter 7: Hoshi Town

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Hidden Powers

[NaLu Fanfiction]

By: JeRein_14


Chapter 7: Hoshi Town


Lucy's POV

  I stretched my limbs as the train i'm currently riding on reached its final destination. The travel was indeed boring and frustrating to say the least. I mean, i've been sitting on the God damn train for about 6 hours! I don't even have someone to talk to! Urgh!

  About 7 people unboarded on Hoshi Town. I can only guess that this place isn't popular for tourists. Can't say i blame them though. Once i got a peak of what the town looks like, i finally settled on that idea.

  The place looks really peaceful though. Not the ghost town type. I mean, it has a village aura that attracts peace and harmony. The houses were pretty common.  Made of wood, some were made from red bricks. Children of different ages were running around the streets, carelessly bumping into adults who doesn't seem to mind. It seems that it was a common happening to them. Corners of the town were filled with shops of all kind; cafes, bookstores, restaurants, food stalls and etc.

  The town was decorated with trees and flowers. But what really surprised me though, it wasn't just any flower, but the rare 'Star Glitter' flower. It has five shiny and sharp golden petals that has midnight blue edges, reminds me of the shape of a star, that seems to be glowing whenever it comes in contact with sunlight. The center was light orange with touches of pink and red.

  According to the book i read about it, the said flower was indeed rare and hard to find. It only grows on certain areas in Fiore. And this area are hard to find and pinpoint. Legend has it that the Star Glitter can grant wishes using a certain spell. But the caster needs to have a pure heart and good objective. It was still a mystery on where it came from. Well, some says that it was created and blessed by the Star Goddess herself but that's another story tell. Not that i don't believe her. I'm a writer, after all.

  Taking my mind off the flowers, i started to look around town for a cheap hotel where i can stay for a couple of days. I'am, indeed running short on jewels. That's why looking for a job won't be such a bad idea for now. Well, i can always be a freelance mage. Having others pay me for jobs that required magic such as catching bandits and such. But that won't do. I doubt this town has any criminal running around. This place looks so serene and peaceful, after all.

  But what can i do for an extra living? Be a waitress? Wait, no—I'm kinda clumsy and it's not exactly my style. Be a secretary? Na-uh! That's too boring. How about working in a library or bookstore? That would do but i'll pretty much just get distracted and read all through out the day. Maybe a writer or editor for a newspaper or magazine? Probably the best option for me but is there any publishing company here? Well, i'll just have to find out.

  But first things first..

  I roamed the town, searching every corner for any cheap hotel. And to my luck, after more than 20 minutes, i found a suitable inn. A room for one costs 10,000 J. It's already for 3 days and 2 nights, with free breakfast. Which means i have enough time to find a job and look for an affordable apartment.

  I left Zenith Town at 9 am earlier, the train ride was about 6 hours, and i wondered around Hoshi Town for almost an hour now. So, it's already past 3 pm by the time i got settled on my assigned room. With a loud relieved sigh, i slumped down on the soft bed. Since i was tired from the long travel, my body refused to stand up. I just want to sleep and rest all through the afternoon which wasn't such a bad idea.

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