Chapter 21: Natsu's New Adventure

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Hidden Powers
[NaLu Fanfiction]
By: JeRein_14


Chapter 21: Natsu's New Adventure


Normal POV

"Lucy!!" Yuuki squealed, hugging her long lost cousin tightly. The poor blonde let out a whimper as she felt the air from her lungs escaped. The Celestial Mage can only hope that none of her bones were broken or misplaced.

"Yu...uki.... ca...n't...bre...the!" The crushed teen managed to whisper, the lack of oxygen slowly taking effect. The culprit squeaked in surprise as she hastily let go of the suffocating girl.

"Oh, gosh! Lucy! I'm so sorry!" The boys in the room all let out a hearty laugh seeing the almost comedic scene infront of them. They can't help but find the exchange to be funny.

"It's a-alright, Yuuki. Just minimize with the strangling and beating." the weakened teen said, allowing her older brother to support her to stand up and seat in her bed.

"How are you these past years, Lucy?" The oldest asked, once the all excitement died or atleast simmer down a bit.

"I'm doing fine. I had been training my magic for a while now. I guess i'm getting stronger..?" Lucy declared, not entirely sure about her last sentence. Her tutor, in the form of the Celestial Dragon, praised her here and there but she still doesn't feel that strong. She hasn't prove any major improvement and is yet satisfied with her training.

"That's great! By the way, why did you leave your guild?" asked the second eldest, earning him glares from his brother and cousins. Having realize his mistake, which was asking a rather sensitive question, Zach tried to cover up his slip. Keyword; tried. He failed to form a single sensible sentence as he kept on stuttering.

"I.. uhhh..didn't.. ahhh.. I mean... you k-know.. about... ahhh.." was all he said. He was hesitant and uncertain of what to day. He knew he was on thin ice. He needed to pick the right words, careful not to upset his sister.

"It's alright, Zach-nii. I'm not planning on keeping that a secret. You should all sit down. This would be a long story."


"Are you sure about this, Natsu?" The blue feline asked for what seemed like the hundredth time that day. He and his human partner were at their crib, packing all necessary stuffs such as clothes, money, food, etc. They were packing a lot more than they usually do when they were going out on a mission.

"Yes, Happy. I'm sure. You don't need to come with me, though. You can stay here. I'm sure Lisanna or Wendy would be more than willing to take you in until i come back." The pink haired dragonslayer said, looking at his nakama at the corner of his eyes.

"Of course i would come, Natsu! Lushii's my partner too! I want her to come back!" The teen seemed shocked by his partner's little outburst. His dumbfounded expression later on became soft as he stared at his desperate looking exceed.

"I'll ask you one more time, Happy. Are you sure you want to come with me? There's no turning back-"

"I'm coming with you, Natsu! I want to see Lushii!" Happy cut him off, earning him a wide grin from the latter.

"If you say so, let's go to the guild then!" Grabbing their packs, the two bestfriends dashed out of their house and went to Fairy Tail which they called home for years. The duo burst into the guild doors which earned them stares and laughs from their guildmates. They didn't waste time as they ran upstairs. Their actions confused the rest of the guild. Once the door leading to Master's office slammed shut, murmurs and whispers about their fire dragonslayer and blue cat erupted in the guild hall. They can't help but find it weird. Usually, when Natsu arrives, he would come pick a fight or challenge Gray, Gajeel or Erza who were was currently present. It's not like him to miss the opportunity of creating havoc and ruckus. Sure, he changed after a certain Celestial Mage left. But if something about him didn't change, it's his fighting antics.

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