Chapter 44: Naval Battle 1

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Hidden Powers
[NaLu Fanfiction]
By: JeRein_14


Chapter 44: Naval Battle 1


Lucy's POV

  I had personally volunteered for the next event. Despite lacking knowledge of what it is, I had confidently claimed to participate in it. Yuuki wanted to as well, saying she hadn't partake in an event. The two of us had an argument about it. The boys? Well, they weren't of any help. They just let us bicker on, not wanting to get involved in a girls fight. Couldn't say I blame them. Despite being part of the youngest line in our small bunch, the two of us could actually pack a mean punch. Need I say that we have claws? Err, long nails I mean.

  Don't get us wrong. We're arguing, yes. But we're not really fighting. Just that both of us are competitive, which kind of runs in our blood. The thirst to show the world what we can do is getting to us. Not in a wrong way, however. It serves as a motivation to give it our all and fight till we reach the top.

  In normal situations, Yuuki and I get along really well. She supports me in everything and vice versa. She's sweet, the type that you can't get mad at. No matter what she did or how wrong she is, you can't really stay angry at her. I tried. Many times in the past. Unfortunately, I failed miserably. One look at her puppy eyes is enough to take my resolve away.

  In the end, I won the argument. She had backed down after I declared that I still haven't redeemed myself to everyone yet. Not fully, at least. I may have proven my strength and power as a dragon slayer but I still haven't earned back my worth as a Fairy Tail Mage. After leaving years ago, I kind of promised myself that i'll do everything to prove that i'm deserving of that title once again. And as of now, I still haven't done much. Deep inside, I knew what I have to do. To fully forgive the guild. But.. It's hard. I need more time. The hatred and angst had long faded away but the pain and heart ache I feel whenever I see them? It's still there. Present and evident. As of now, the only thing I could do is win this games for the guild. I'm aware of the huge debt Fairy Tail is in right now. They desperately need the cash prize to be able to start over again. The least I could is contribute to our win.

  For Fairy Tail..

  The mascot had announced that the fourth day's event is going to be a naval battle. The game will occur inside an aquatic dome that was set up in the middle of the arena. The rules as explained was simple and basic enough to understand. All participants that are to enter the said dome will have to battle out in order to determine the winner. Once a player is sent or knocked out of the water, they are automatically disqualified and deemed unfit to continue. Of course, magic is permitted. The official and final ranking will be identified based on the order of leaving the dome. First to be sent out will be eighth place with zero points, next will earn seventh place with one point and so on until every player had acquired a rank. That was the general idea of the scoring system but an additional rule had been added to imply more excitement to the event. This had gradually affected the final results whatsoever.

  Once the final match begins, meaning that the last two players are left inside the dome to engage in a battle to determine the final victor, there will be a big twist. A 5 minute time limit will be given to the participants. If a player successfully sends out their opponent while the time given has not yet ended, then the losing side shall earn the last spot, eighth place, with zero points. Once the time had ended and both player is still inside, then the special rule or condition is then void. The two shall fight till one is defeated, no time limit or whatsoever. The winner shall receive that much wanted 10 points while the defeated player will still earn 8 points, having given the title as second place.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2017 ⏰

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