Chapter 35: Year X791

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Hidden Powers
[NaLu Fanfiction]
By: JeRein_14


Chapter 35: Year X791


Normal POV

In the midst of the second test, foreign mages was spotted in the island. They were not rogue mages as they clearly have ulterior motives for seeking out the island that was out of plain sight. It was later revealed that they were from a dark guild called Grimiore Heart. They had specifically searched for the island with reasons they refuse to share with Fairy Tail. It was clear as day that it was not a friendly visit in search for a casual chat and tea. They came to Tenroujima for something-someone essential to their dark schemes. It was not until later when they found out what it was they want. Rather, it's who they came for.

Grimiore Heart came seeking for the dark mage, Zeref, who was staying in the island. Whilst the fight between two guilds was commencing, another threat arrived. An even bigger threat than Grimoire Heart. The Apocalypse Dragon, Acnologia. He attacked the island with no mercy. Due to this, Lucy and her relatives almost revealed themselves to help. Fortunately for them, before they could, Fairy Tail's founder appeared. She casted Fairy Heart which protected everyone in the island, bearer of the guild insignia or not, from the destructive breath attack of the Apocalypse Dragon.

Unfortunately, it cost a prize. A great sacrifice. They were frozen in time. For 7 years.


Year X791

"WE'RE BACK!!" The fire dragonslayer yelled, throwing open the door of their new-which apparently looks old and rusty-guild headquarters. The Tenroujima team was happy to finally be able to return after years of being trapped in the island. They were beyond thankful to their founder, Mavis Vermillion, whom protected them from Acnologia. They may have lost a great amount of time, but that can't replace the fact that they barely got out alive. Nonetheless, there were no casualties. No member acquired fatal injuries or wounds. Exhausted and magically drained, yes. But what really matters is that no one died.

"Eh?!" It came out a shock to the members who didn't participate on the S-class exams years ago. After that tortuous and almost endless search they been through in hopes to get even a glimpse of the island's shadows or acquire the most idle of clues. A sign to know that they were still alive. That they will return. Unfortunately, they always returned with slumped shoulders and crushed hopes.

"W-What? H-How did you-" the guild's reaction upon their return was inevitable. Shocked. Speechless. Confused. Happy. They had mixed emotions. Certainly, if your friends who disappeared for years came back so out of the blue one afternoon, you wouldn't know how to react.

"Who cares how they survived?! They're alive!!" The once scrawny and short Romeo that now looked to be Wendy's age, yelled. He was the first one to show emotion. Almost crying out of joy, he ran towards the group and hugged Natsu whom he looked up to years ago, up until now.

Once everyone got settled, Master Makarov started explaining what had transpired in the island before they were trapped in time. When it was time for the left behind members to tell their adventures and experiences the past 7 years, the atmosphere changed drastically. From intense, it shifted to sadness and grief. While the Tenrou team were gone, Fairy Tail had Macao stand as the temporary Master of the guild to avoid disbandment and further problems with the Magic Council. During their absence, the one's left behind struggled to pick themselves up. They searched and devoted almost everyday of the first two years in searching for them. It may be embarrassing to admit, but they had had neglected their responsibilities and priorities as a guild. The reputation Fairy Tail worked so hard to achieve and maintain? It was crumpled and thrown to the ground in just a blink of an eye.

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