Chapter 13: Lucy's Hidden Powers

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Hidden Powers
[NaLu Fanfiction]
By: JeRein_14


Chapter 13: Lucy's Hidden Powers


Lucy's POV

  "STELLA!!" i exclaimed excitedly before throwing myself at her. She looked shocked but immediately regain composure as she caught me in time.

  "Woah, Lucy. You seem excited to see me." She joked, pulling away from our hug and smiled down at me. I saw how she looked at Loke, nodding and smiling at him as a way of acknowledging him. My lion spirit did the same.

  "Of course! It's been years since i last saw you. It's only natural to be this excited!" Grining at her, she chuckled and tussled my hair. Though, her carefree expression immediately shifted to curiosity.

  "Why did you call me out here?" She narrowed her eyes and looked dead straight at me. She seemed to be searching for something, though she still looks clueless.

  "Well, i need your help."

  "My help? Why would you need my help? Wait. Don't tell me-"

  "Yeah. My powers are getting out o-of control. My guess is, it's because of my lack of t-training. I was w-wondering if you could h-help me?" Hesitatingly, i asked her. I know for a fact that she'll agree. We're that close, after all. I'm just kind of embarrassed to ask. She might think of me as a lazy and irresponsible girl, though it would be too out-of-character.

  "Of course, i'll help you! Your my 'former' student and close friend, after all." She even smiled at me as if to assure me. I can't help but smile back at her. She have this motherly aura that can warm anyone's heart. That's what i love about her.

  "Thanks so much, Stella! You don't know how much this means to me." Grining widely, i gave her a side hug. She just grinned back and patted my head, another motherly gesture she seems to do alot around me. I don't mind, though. Since i practically see her as my second mother.

  "Anytime, Lucy. Why don't we start your training?"

  "Sure! What should i do first?" She smiled and moved a few meters away from me, Loke mimicking her movements. They stood by a huge tree that was about 8 meters away from where i currently stand. Tilting my head in confusion, i narrowed my eyes at her, in a confused way.

  "Do your most basic spell and don't hold back. I'll analize and estimate your magic power. Then i'll decide what to do with you first." She instructed, placing a hand on her hip. I raised an eyebrow at her instructions but decided to not question it. Preparing myself, i stepped backwards and racked my brain for the easiest spell i could think of at the moment. Only one attack did crossed my mind.

  Sighing,  i harnessed all my power and concentrated. I felt the familiar sensation as portion of my true magic rapidly flowed through my veins, a feeling i haven't experienced for quite a while. I gathered the collected magic on one part of my body and prepared myself to release it. Taking in a deep breath, i positioned myself for the attack.

  "Celestial Dragon's Roar!"


Normal POV

  Fairy Tail's infamous Salamander was currently lying at the grassy field near the lake where he and his exceed, Happy, often hang out. This is their usual spot when they go fishing. Though, that's not the case today. He was alone. He's been avoiding his friends ever since the incident from weeks ago. He never once showed up in the guild ever since. Obviously, the confrontation got the best of him. Clearly, Natsu Dragneel is depressed.

  All he did for weeks was lock himself in his room, eat alone, and hang out near the lake. That's been his routine for quite some time. Though, Happy does talk to him, continuously begging him to stop sulking, but to no avail. The pyro would just look away and dismiss his small friend gently.

  A week after the incident, the dragonslayer learned that the blonde still hasn't showed up at the guild. He had heard that she may have quit or took a vacation. That fact broke him. He can't help but blame himself. He knew it was mainly his fault that the Celestial Mage had left. And he can't, no.. he will not forgive himself. Even if Lucy does accept is apology in the future, he would never forgive himself.

  "Natzu?" his once closed eyes snapped open as he sat up, immediately searching for the one who called him. He was not a bit surprised to see that it was Happy, who had emerged in the clearing.

  "Huh? Happy? What are-"

  "Stop sulking, N-Natsu. Please?" The called dragonslayer raised ay eyebrow at his small companion.

  "I'm not sulk-"

  "Would Lucy want to see you like this? Alone, sad, depressed and guilty? If Lushee was here, do you think she would be happy of what you've become?" His words stabbed the pink haired guy's heart. It pierced him like a knife. He knew that Happy has a point, that he was right. But he still can't forgive himself for what he did. It was a mistake that cannot be rewinded nor undo.

  "I get it, Happy. But what i did was unforgivable. I-"

  "It was not your fault alone, Natsu. It's the whole guild's."a new voice had cut him off this time. The fire eater glanced to his right only to see Erza and Gray not far from where he is currently sitting. Both have unreadable expressions, something Natsu had never seen before.

  "But among everyone else, i had hurt her the most."

  "Don't say that. And quit sulking, will yah? It's annoying." The raven haired male rolled his eyes as he glared at the pyro.

  "What is it to you anyways, Ice Princess?" Now annoyed, Natsu countered him as he glared back.

  "My point is, you're not the same annoying, irritating and loud mouth pyro i used to know. Will you just man up and face your problems head on?! You're acting like a coward, you big idiot! Talk about pathetic!" By this time, the ice mage already had a firm grip on his collar, glaring at him. The dragonslayer just stood there in shock, processing what his rival had just said.

  "Are you giving me advice?" Recovering from shock, Natsu asked in disbelief. Apparently, this flustered the stripper.

  "D-Dream on, Flame Brain! You w-wish!"


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