Chapter 32: Mending a Broken Bond? Or not?

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Hidden Powers
[NaLu Fanfiction]
By: JeRein_14


Chapter 32: Mending a Broken Bond? Or not?


Lucy's POV

"L-Lushie.." i heard Happy mumbled, feeling the intense stare he and Natsu gave me. Instead of greeting them like i originally intended to save me from looking bitter, but i just looked anywhere but them. Awkward..

"What's for breakfast, Yuuki?" I tried to make my voice sound steady and calm. To let them know i wasn't the least bit affected by them. But it turned out shaky. I just hope the tired look on my eyes would cover that slip up. Just to seem like it was due to tiredness and exhaustion from last night.

"Bacon and eggs. Just let me set the table-"

"I'll help." Not waiting for her response, i stalked my way towards the kitchen. I can feel eyes boring on the back of my head but i didn't look back. I knew everyone in the room was looking at me; Yuuki, Max, Happy and Natsu.. Kurt-nii and Zach-nii were still sound asleep being that my oldest cousin took the most damage while my brother was forced to carry our unconscious leader all the way back here. Once inside the kitchen, i immediately leaned on the counter, shaking my head as if to wake myself up. The thoughts of abandonment flooded my mind at the sight of the Fire Dragonslayer. Unconsciously, i gripped the edge of the counter harder till my palms were white. I keep telling myself that i can do it. That i need this, for closure.

Recollecting my thoughts, i left the kitchen with plates in hand. Still, i was avoiding my former partners eyes. Swear, my hand was shaking while i helped Yuuki in setting the table. I know i'm frowning, scowling even. But that's better than looking scared and nervous, right? I just hope i don't break down while eating breakfast. I need to keep this mask on.

"Oh, God! That smells heavenly." I was kind of startled when a heard my older brother's voice. Glancing at my right, i saw him descend from the stairs with Kurt-nii trailing behind.

"You guys alright to be out of bed?" Yuuki asked, raising an eyebrow at the two. They look awful. I won't even try to sugarcoat it. They were covered in bandages, almost like a mummy. Kurt-nii was wearing a green shirt and black jogging pants. Zach-nii was the same, except he had on a v-neck white shirt. They looked like they just survived a war.

"Yeah. Besides, no one can separate me from my food." Was Zach-nii's reply. I can't help but let a small smile escape. We almost died last night. Yet, here we are, still breathing. We survived but we were lucky. I can't help but feel that Death Corpse pitied us. That's why they allowed us to be free. I have a strange and scary thought. Maybe they're planning something big.


Breakfast was awkward to say the least. Kurt-nii, Zach-nii and Yuuki were the only ones who actually tried to start and keep up a conversation. Said brother and cousin kept on going about new training styles and techniques. Yuuki would constantly side comment and suggest some things. Max, on the other hand, was silent. It bothered me. He's never this quiet! Too add more to his odd behavior, he was sending Natsu and Happy death glares. The two either doesn't notice or pretends not to. Well, Natsu does. Happy was cowering under my twin's intense stare. Poor exceed. Sympathetically, i bump Max's knee with mine. I did a few times now actually. He would blink, stare at me, continue eating then glare once more when he thought i wasn't looking. It was strange how he's acting all protective over me.

The table was cleared out. I was about to help Yuuki clean the dishes when someone grabbed my wrist. My heart instantly skipped a beat, like it knew exactly who it was. I did, actually. I knew that firm grip and warm touch. I forced close my eyes, all noise seemed to die down.

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