Chapter 11: Golden Star

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Hidden Powers
[NaLu Fanfiction]
By: JeRein_14


Chapter 11: Golden Star


Lucy's POV

I shifted uncomfortably on my seat as i let Mr. Shine read my article. I watched his dark brown orbs browse the paper anxiously. I felt nervous. Beyond nervous actually. Usually, i'm pretty good at reading other people's expression. It's quite easy for me to tell if one's mad or upset. But why can't i seem to apply it now? He had on a straight and blank face, not allowing any emotion surpress, making it hard for me to read his expressions. GAH! The silent atmosphere in here is killing me!

"So, Miss Heartfilia was it?" Mr. Shine had finally said, breaking the silence.

"Yes, sir."

"I've read and studied your requirements. And i can say that i'm impressed. You already have knowledge about business just by seeing your Father's background. Also, your a well-known Mage, a strong one at that. Though, that doesn't have anything to do with your writing career." I kinda slumped down on the chair i was sitting on. Is he rejecting my application? Did he not like my article?

"Is my article that bad-"

"It's also stated here that you've started writing your own novel at the age of 15. That means you have already have 3 years of writing experience, not professionally though. That would do but i'll have Zia train you for news writing. You are required to pass at least two articles for week. Each one will be payed defending on it's quality. You will work here during Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. The unmentioned days would be your rest days. It would be enough time for you to work on the articles. Am i clear?" i sat there, shocked and frozen. I had troubled processing what he was saying. Did he just gave me a job?

"I'm sorry, Sir. But does this mean i'm accepted?"

"Of course! Your more than qualified as a matter of fact. And this sample article, it's amazing! Definitely eye catching. It got me hooked up until the very end. No doubt that your a very talented writer, Ms. Heartfilia. We are very honored to have you work for us. Thank you." My shockef expression turned into a proud yet humble smile as i shaked his hand in form of gratitude.

"Please, call me Lucy. And thank you sir. Thank you so much! I won't fail you. I promise!"

"I'll hold you on that."


~A week later~

"Ahhh! I can't believe it! That was the highest sales we had in like five months!" Zia exclaimed excitedly. It was Monday, and we were just walking home from a long day of work. Though, i'm not tired. Actually, i'm happy! The wide grin on my face was enough evidence to prove that.

It has been a week since i applied at Shining Star, and everything was doing great. Everyone at work were all nice to me and my training has been paying off! The other day, i passed my two articles i was working on and thankfully, they were both approved! It was just yesterday when they got published along with this week's newspaper. And so far, it was successful! The sales were top notch. It was raised by over 40% which was a big help. If this continues, the company would be saved. Apparently, Zia here had claimed that it was all made possible because of me. That it was my article that caused this. Tch. I hardly believe that. I'm just a beginner after all.

And to complete my splendid week, i just found the perfect apartment 2 days ago! It was not so fancy nor as comfy as my last one, though. But it sure was enough. The landlady was nice, waaaay nicer than my old one. The apartment costed only 50,000 J for month which was a good start. It already has fully furnished furnitures! Jackpot! I already payed the first two months, thanks to the pay Mr. Shine gave me for my two articles. Surprising that it cost so much! It consisted of two floors, the first one has an average sized living room, kitchen and bathroom. The second has two rooms, a bathroom and another extra room, though it was empty and has no furnitures in it. All i can is, i'm contented.

"Why are you having a hard time believing it? Your article was soooo good! It's what probably attracted people to buy the newpaper!" I can only shake my head in disagreement. See what i mean?

"Don't say things like that, Zia. It was all because of everyone who worked hard for it!"

"Don't be too humble, Lulu! It's Golden Star who made it a hit!" Rolling my eyes, i sighed while running my fingers through my golden locks. She has been calling me 'Lulu' since she started training me, about 4 days ago, though i don't have any objections with it. And if your wondering who Golden Star is, well i used an alas. I didn't used my real name since i'm afraid that Fairy Tail will be able to track me down. Zia and Mr. Shine understood me at once when i explained and told them the truth, leaving the facts about my hidden powers behind.

"Just drop it, Zia. Anyways, are you going home or do you have any more plans?" I asked my companion whom gazed up, a finger on her chin, as if thinking. Not much long after, she shrugged before shaking her head.

"No, i guess not. Wanna have dinner before going home?" This caught me thinking. Considering her offer, i glanced back at my wrist watch to see that it was already 7:21 pm. Too late.

"I have to decline, sorry. I'm planning on taking a long shower then going to bed early. I did an all nighter just to complete those articles to be able to pass them on time. I wanted my beauty rest." Shrugging, she seemed unaffected with my response. Her expression didn't show disappointment which pleased me. Good thing..

"Can't argue with that. You look awful, sorry for saying. Though, it did paid off! Just look how successful it turned out!" With a small smile, i nodded in agreement. Seems like she noticed my lack of sleep. It wasn't that shocking though. I had visible bags under my eyes and my complexion is paler than usual. Guess she just mentioned it now since i just brought it up.

"Well, this is my stop. See yah!" I waved at her and entered my new apartment. I took a long shower as planned and went to sleep early.

I had a smile flastered on my face as i drifted off to dreamland, completely contented and calm. Though, i doubt it'll stay that way..



Soooooooo, i'm late again! Nothibg new, right? Hehehe.. sorry about that! Been really busy with school work and life.. I'll try my best to prevent it from happening again!

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