Chapter 31: This is it?

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Hidden Powers
[NaLu Fanfiction]
By: JeRein_14


Chapter 31: This is it?


Lucy's POV

  I realized two important things when i opened my eyes to welcome the blinding light of the sun that day. One, Death Corpse knows where we are. The fact that they left when they pretty much can take us with them was still a mystery to me. And two, Natsu and Happy is here. In the same town and building. I'm not sure which of the two i'm more worried on; that Reaper and his men can attack us at any moment or that Natsu and Happy would drag me back to Fairy Tail.

  Honestly, returning to Fairy Tail would do us—me, my brothers and cousins—good. They can help us in dire need since we're up against a whole dark guild. Unfortunately, i don't have the heart to drag them in our problems. There's also the fact that i left without a proper goodbye. They might be mad at me! If given the chance to go back in time, i would have still did the same. Being ignored for 4 months isn't a joke. It seriously broke me to pieces. Coming to the guild almost everyday just to watch them go on with their lives like you weren't a part of it really hurts. Every night of those lonely months, i spent it crying and drowning in self pity. I was a mess as Levy would put it..

  If Natsu and Happy was here to drag me back to Fairy Tail, i would downright say no. Bluntly and Straightforward. It might hurt their feelings but i felt worse when they kicked me off the team before. It's not that i'm not planning on returning to the guild. I did promised Master i would. It's just i need more time alone with my family. Also, there's this problem with Death Corpse i need to settle. Maybe then, i'll return with four new recruits with me. By the time i do go back, i hope that everything would go back to the way they used to be. No more ignoring, being left behind and heartbroken.

  "Lucy?" I lifted my head from my pillow to look at Yuuki who was standing by my slightly opened bedroom door.

  "Yeah?" Groaning, i rolled to my back, allowing me to have a full look at her. Her hair was slightly messy and she was wearing pajamas. That would mean she just woke up and haven't showered yet.

  "I'll cook breakfast for today. I know you don't want to because of... them.." she said, giving me a sympathetic look. I gave her a stiff nod before rolling once again to bury my head on my pillow.

  Last night, it was Natsu who had carried me piggyback style. He kept on attempting to start a decent conversation with me but i would give him short and blunt replies. Honestly, i felt guilty seeing the sad expression he display when i ignore him. But i'm not ready to go back yet. I managed to escape the 'talk' last night since my state was a reasonable excuse, physically and magically tired. I doubt i can continue on ignoring him now. To my relief, Yuuki offered to make breakfast. She knew i needed time to compose myself before i can face them. I wouldn't have that preparation if i were to cook since the two Fairy Tail members were staying over. Natsu and Happy were offered by my brothers to sleep on the sofa at the living room. They didn't dare decline since it was almost midnight by the time we got back. And you wouldn't reach the kitchen unless you pass the living room. That means i need to face them. It's too early for that confrontation.

  Yawning, i got up and stretched my arms upwards. I visibly flinched at the pain the action had brought. Cursing, i loosely clutched my sides. The bandages that Virgo had kindly wrapped around my wound was tainted pink. I must have reopened my wound last night. After all the effort my maid spirit had did. Groaning, i swang my legs to the side and got up from bed. I lazily stalked my way towards the bathroom.


  After rewrapping my wounds, i rolled down my oversized sweater which was partnered up with blue denim shorts. I was done freshening up. My scratches, bruises and cuts from last night were covered up by make-up. As i glanced at the full length mirror, i gave myself a mental pat on the back. I had done exceptionally well in hiding the results of the fight. It seems like it never even happened. Despite that achievement, i feel fake. Like whenever i put on fake smiles and laughs months ago just to not worry those who treated me as their true friend. Only difference, this was physical wounds i'm hiding while before were my actual emotions.

  As i stared up at my reflection, the pained look on my face brought back painful memories. I recall the same expression when i look at a mirror every night of those lonely months. Remembering those times when i watch my old team laugh and have fun without me, my guildmates walking past me and entering the guild without receiving any greetings. It was hard. Never had i heard them badmouth me but the fact that they ignored me was as painful as can be. I still remember the fake smiles i put on whenever Levy or Wendy asks me if i'm alright. I act excited or interested when Mira was gushing over a rumor about her pairings or when Gajeel and Pantherlily was tale telling their missions.

  Don't get me wrong. I'm downright grateful to my true friends. I just can't shake off the feeling of emptiness and loneliness. It's only natural. Right? Being left behind and ignored. I have the right to be mad..

  "Lucy? Yuuki asked me to call you since breakfast's ready." It was Max who peaked through the small gap on the opened door. One look at me, he knew immediately that i was having second thoughts on going down.

  "On second thought, i'll just bring your breakfast here. I'll tell them you're not feeling well." He gave me a sympathetic smile. I sort of felt relieve but a small part of me told me otherwise. Running away.. That's what i'm planning to do..

  "No. I'll join you downstairs. Just give me a minute." My brother seemed shocked by the sudden determination that was present on my tone. Even more when he processed my words. I can't continue running away. They—Fairy Tail would eventually catch up. Sooner or later, i need to face them. Maybe facing Natsu and Happy now would lessen the pressure when i come back.

  "Are you sure?"

  "Yeah. I'm tired of being a coward." He stared at me for a full minute before a soft smile grazed his lips.

  "Glad to have my old sister back." With that, he closed the door. I felt even more determined by his words. I'm back. The determined, strong and brave Lucy is back. I just hope she'll linger around for good.. The confidence would do me good.

  Taking a deep breath, i descended from the stairs alongside Max who gave me a pat on my shoulder. It was his way of assuring me. Once we reached the dining room, i sucked in a breath. There, eating like a pig and munching on a fish were non other than Natsu and Happy..

  This is it? I'll really face them..


  KON'NICHIWAAAAA! *froze, shivers under your heated glares*

  Gomen for not updating!! I really had a tough week(s). Since it's the end of the quarter, I needed to finish all the requirements and all. I'm sorrrryyyyy!! Then my 18th birthday is coming up! Don't get me wrong. I'm not planning on having a Fairy tale themed debut party nor do I want a celebration at all. Just getting together with my friends would be more than enough. I'm actually looking forward to a complete Harry Potter and Percy Jackson series set! Not that my mom agreed but since I won't have a party like my sister did, I figured she'll grant my wish.

  WAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH! I can't wait!! *jumps up and down while squealing like a fangirl* (the perks of being a bookworm: would exchange a debut party for books) Some of you would think it's crazy, but that's just how i'am. I don't like being the center of attraction nor pretty dresses and make up. I'm weird like that..

  So, I'm really hoping I'll be in the mood to write the next few days. I've been missing deadlines and dates awfully a lot. I really need to change that..

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