Chapter 41.2: Lucy vs. Flare

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Hidden Powers
[NaLu Fanfiction]
By: JeRein_14


Chapter 41.2: Lucy vs. Flare


Lucy's POV

  "You're going to pay for that, bimbo! You, along with that stupid and pathetic guild of yours!" An imaginary vein popped on my head. Did she just insulted me and my guild? I was about to come up with a peevish remark when she suddenly launched her long bright hair underground. Going in defensive, I tried to sense where she was planning on attacking me. If my suspicions are correct, she's probably attempting to catch me off guard. May it be attacking me from behind or from where I least expected it. She might even aim for my feet.

   Sighing, I closed my eyes as I tried to decipher the location of her hair. 'No spell is perfect. There will always be glitches. It will always have weaknesses. You just have to find it. Think fast and use your head.' That was what Stella told me once. I tried to search even for the slightest vibration on the ground or the smallest hint of sound. Wasn't disappointed to say the least. Fast approaching, eleven o'clock, i felt the faint movement from beneath the ground. My senses immediately heightened as my body agilely dodged the thick strands of hair that suddenly spurted out of the solid ground. Appearing almost light weight, I performed a graceful back flip, making sure to create a safe distance from her magic hair. She seems to be impatient and really aggravated as she didn't waited for me to land. With a sharp turn of her head, her hair once again attacked me, openly this time. Talk about straightforward. I didn't think twice. The chant just came out of my mouth almost naturally.

  "Celestial Dragon's Roar!" As I opened my mouth, a bright golden beam of light bursted out of it. I can't help but smirk smugly when I heard sharp gasps of surprise and shock. Just seeing the horror in Flare's eyes truly satisfied me.

  "Celestial Dragon Slaying Magic?! Lucy Heartfilia of Fairy Tail is actually a Dragonslayer?!" One of the announcers howled in disbelief. I wanted to laugh seeing everyone's bewilderment. Especially when I saw my guild mates jaws dropped. They didn't expect it. No one did, actually. And I wouldn't want it any other way. Having the element of surprise on my side really felt amazing.

  "Y-You're a.." The frightened Raven Tail member in front of me trailed off, clearly not wanting to believe the bizarre truth.

  "You know what I am? An offended Celestial Dragon Slayer who plans to give a certain redhead a new haircut in thanks for the insult you said a while ago." Smiling at her innocently, I shifted to another stance to prepare another attack. I planted my right foot forward as I leaned back, mentally tapping into my magic container to unleash some of my reserved magic.

  "Celestial Dragon's Heavenly Sphere!" I crossed my arms in front of me, the same time a large golden magic circle appeared before me. A dark bluish orb with galaxy-like patterns emerged from the circle, heading straight to Flare with rapid speed. She was too frozen on her spot, still shaken by the revelation. When she did came back to her senses, it was too late. She failed to dodge the incoming orb of magic, sending her flying to the far side of the arena. She reformed her hair to a makeshift 'bed' to save herself from further damage. She's gotten over the shock as a sadistic snarl displayed on her pale face.

  "I don't care what type of monster you are! I'm still going to defeat you!" To my surprise, her hair suddenly caught on fire. So, she can actually produce flames? She leaned her head back, causing her long fiery locks to follow. As she surged it forward immediately, sending her flaming hair towards me in an attack attempt. I wasn't going to let her land even a single strand of hair on me, though. I jumped high in the air, dodging the ignited strands.

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