Chapter 41.1: Lucy vs. Flare

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Hidden Powers
[NaLu Fanfiction]
By: JeRein_14


Chapter 41.1: Lucy vs. Flare


Lucy's POV

  Throughout the day, Fairy Tail had tried to make advances towards me in what I can tell is their way to seek for forgiveness. No attempt went unnoticed by my brothers and cousins as they successfully stop them. It was actually quite amusing to watch, a member randomly 'passing' by our part of the arena and retreating with their tail in between their legs when they saw my brothers glare. I really have to commend them, though. They're quite persistent. Even my brothers are growing annoyed by the constant disturbances. What more if Natsu, Gray and Erza weren't part of the games and isn't constantly required to be on their balcony? I'm sure at least one of them would have charged in here by now, seeking for answers. Even if they have to fight their way to them.

  "Why are you smiling by yourself, sis? That's creepy?" I was immediately brought back to harsh reality when my irksome twin poked my cheeks. Aish. This guy.. I was leaning on the cemented balcony's low wall as i batted a indolent eye on the empty arena below us. The games is currently having an hour break after the event that transcribed earlier to further prepare the line up for the individual matches that will take part later on. It was surely a good way to build up tension and pressure inside the stadium.

  "That's none of your business, Max. Leave me alone." Slapping his hand, I gave my pesky brother a cold glare. Instead of obeying to my orders, he fixed his posture and leaned at the low wall of the balcony beside me.

  "Psh. You're guild is really annoying." He suddenly commented, removing his attention from me to give the guild a heartfelt glare. It seems that most of them were looking over our balcony in peer curiosity and the guy beside me had come to notice it. At Max's heated stare, they all looked away and pretended to do something else.

  "Don't be too harsh on them. They had it rough already." Scolding him, I gave him a nudge in a silent attempt to make him drop his glare. It worked as he was forced to look back at me, clearly aggravated that i sided with the guild.

  "How come you forgive them so easily yet they broke you so remorselessly?" Sighing, I rested my head on my right hand as I looked up at the bright blue sky. I'm actually wondering the same thing myself.

  "I'm not sure, actually. Maybe it's because I acquired something really special that healed my broken heart, making it easier to forgive. Maybe it's one of those Glass Slipper Moment. Like how Cinderella lost one of her glass slippers, I also lost something important. And after grieving and mourning over it, something actually better came out of it. I might not had found my Prince Charming like she did but I found my lost family." With that, Max ruffled my blonde hair as he chuckled humorously. Sheesh. I spatted his hand away as I desperately tried to save my hairstyle. I applied extra effort into this braid! How dare he ruin it?!

  "That was deep, sis." Rolling my eyes, i punched his shoulders in form of revenge for my poor hair. I did felt a sense of satisfaction when he grunted in actual pain.

  "What i'm trying to say is that I wouldn't change the past even if i could. Them ignoring me was the reason that brought me to Hoshi Town. It was what pushed me to leave, train and search for you. It might be true that they had caused me heartache and betrayal but it was that that molded me to be a better person than I was before. So, i'm grateful to them. They had unconsciously helped me be the Lucy I am now." His features softened, giving me a soft smile.

  "If you say it that way, maybe they're not that bad after all." Max scratched his slightly reddening cheeks, evidence that he was currently flustered and embarrassed having to admit what he said. It was my turn to reach out and ruffle his hair. He wore the same expression as I had earlier when he did that to me. Tch. Good.

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