Chapter 23: Little Training and Catching Up

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Hidden Powers
[NaLu Fanfiction]
By: JeRein_14


Chapter 23: Little Training and Catching up


Lucy's POV

  "Now that you guys are officially a waitress, barista, editor and editorial cartoonist, let's go down to real business. Let's train!" An enthusiastic grin grazed my lips as i led my brothers and cousins to my training ground, a wide clearing in the forest near town. I unofficially claimed the place as my own, the worned out grass, burned and chopped down trees which are results of my training are the signs of my claiming.

  "Someone's excited.." Zach-nii muttered, not bothering to hide his smile. It only has been two days since our faithful reunion. At the short time, i pulled some strings and got them jobs. Even before you think badly of me, no. I didn't do anything illegal. Since the publishing company i work at was just regaining it's former steady status before it nearly went bankrupt, i took that as an advantage. I gave a good word in for Max and Zach-nii. I'm fairly new in the industry, but my works and articles proved my professionalism, earning their trust. I didn't lie either. They confirmed my description of them after passing their own works. My brothers were great in their own fields. They did studied under the best tutor before we were seperated. That's what my father assured.

  In my cousins case, i did the same. Talking to the owner, whom which was a nice 58-year old lady, and putting up good words for them. Yuuki maybe energetic and bubbly, but never clumsy. She's lively, talkative and doesn't know the meaning of shy. The needed characteristics of a waitress. Kurt-nii, on the other hand, is more collected, calm and easy to get along with. He has a friendly vibe surrounding him that draws people near him. He's also good in making coffees and cooking. They were accepted right away after a dry run they did yesterday. Nailed it if i were to describe how it gone.

  "Not really. I just want to see how you guys improved all those years we're apart." I always try to avoid the topic. The subject. I never mentioned about the whole disaster years ago. Never even asked how they escaped Death Corpe's clutches. I saw the emotional scars in their eyes. It was something they don't want to remember. What kind of person would i be if i reopened the barely closed scars just to satisfy my knowledge and curiosity? That could wait..

  "Well, you're in for a surprise, little sister! I had been training my magic for years!" My arrogant older twin brother said, displaying a smirk while puffing his chest out at his declaration.

  "You're just minutes older! You do know i hate being called that, right Maximus?" It was my turn to smirk when i saw him grimaced at the name. Maximus Wellis Heartfilia is his complete name. We just commonly call him Max or Maxwell. Weird name, i always thought. Weirder when i learned that it was actually Father who came up with it. Me and Zach-nii was so grateful when Mama didn't allowed him to name us. Zachary and Lucille was more than enough for us.

  "Don't ever mention that name again, Lucy! I mean it!" The tone he used, which was a mixture of beg and plead, made not just me, but all of us to laugh. It was obvious how he hates it, more of a reason why i tease him.

  "Yeah. Yeah. Can we start training now?" The desire to see them in action again was consuming me, the main root of my excitement and enthusiasm.

  "What should we do first then?" Yuuki asked to no one in particular. Her hanging question was directed to all of us. A moment of silence surfaced. It was as good question. Since it was our firsy time to train together, we're still kind of hesitant. We don't know what we're going to do, how we're gonna train nor how to start.

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