Chapter 39: Her Fate

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Hidden Powers
[NaLu Fanfiction]
By: JeRein_14


Chapter 39: Her Fate


~Flashback, Tenroujima~

Normal POV

  She slowly opened her eyes, revealing her chocolate brown irises, only to close them almost immediately due to the intense light. It took a minute to fully adjust her sight to the light. Once she had regained her consciousness and senses, she sat upright, leaning heavily on her elbows as she surveyed the place she was at. Around her, scattered, were her brothers and cousins who were still out cold. The blonde instinctively held her head when she felt it throb slowly. She can't seem to recall why she was lying on the ground. Did something happened? Were they attacked?

  With difficulty, she willed herself to stand up. Her whole body was aching which confused her even more. Why does she feel so weak? How long were they sleeping? She glanced around the area for more clues. Her eyes met nothing but trees, ground and water. It seems that they were in some kind of island. An oddly shaped piece of land surrounded with large scale of water. A humongous tree was at the very center. By merrily looking at it, she can almost feel the strong aura emitting from it. Just by standing there, she felt such surge of power pulsing back through her veins. A faint pink glow on her right hand.

  Lucy gasped, her left hand covered her mouth as tears started to well up on her eyes. On her right hand, the one that was vacant and blank for months, now sported a pink guild insignia. Fairy Tail's mark and symbol.

  "W-What? H-how—"

  "It's time to go back, Lucy. They're waiting for you." The teenage blonde whirled around in shock. In front her was a small girl, almost no older than 15, with long wavy pale blonde hair that reaches her feet and green eyes. She had on a frilly layered pink robe and wears wing-like adornments/accessories on her hair. What was strange was that she was bare footed. Despite her appearance as a child, her eyes held a different story. Somehow, it was filled with knowledge. A century worth of wisdom and experience. It was scary how deep and mature she looked.

  "W-Who are you?" The Celestial Mage had asked, slightly terrified of her sudden appearance.

  "I'm Mavis Vermillion, Founder and First Master of Fairy Tail. The very same guild you call home." As if Lucy wasn't shocked enough. The girl before her with a child-like figure claims to be century old and had established her 'former' guild.

  "Y-You're kidding!" She released a bitter laugh, hoping to discover the humor and sarcasm in all of this. When the long haired blonde didn't react, Lucy somehow knew she was entirely serious. The teenage girl seems to know that this 'Mavis' character isn't just someone. Crazy as it may sound, she's starting to believe her.

  "You're insignia had reappeared with your burning desire of returning. Lucy Heartfilia, your heart finally opened up and accepted it's fate." Mavis said, smiling at the confused blonde.

  "It's f-fate?"

  "You see, that insignia isn't just a normal tattoo for display. It's a magical symbol that's forever engraved in one's skin. It sways according to the person's will. As long as you see the guild as your home and family, it will continue to display itself, radiant and appealing like the sun itself. If you decide to leave, the light it emits will dim down, almost into nothingness. The mark will temporarily disappear until you decide to come back. Once your heart starts to yearn for it's family, the insignia will reappear and remind the person that Fairy Tail is waiting for their return." The tears started to flow down her cheeks. Mavis words struck her lightning. Trying hard not to sob, she caressed her pink insignia with such love and care. Her home's pride and symbol. Is it really? Was she ready to return back home?

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