Authors note

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Dats meee^^ XD

Hey guys! Thank you guys for reading 'The Player'. I think this is the best story I've written so far! I'm sorry the ending is kind of crappy... That's because I wanted to know if you wanted the story to be continued.

I was thinking, that if this story is continued, I'll make a book 2, in the perspective where Avery has graduated high school and is living the life of an adult on her own, with her child.

Anyways again, I thank you guys SOOO much!!! For the laughs you've given me, and the love I get from my writing.

If you want to contact me, inbox me on here, or any of my social medias;

Ig: Emily.spannenburg
Snapchat: lifeof3mily

Also, if you want another Cameron Dallas story, hit up "Mine" in my works. I promise it's worth a read :)

Thank you guys!!! <3<3

-Emily xxxx

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