48- Gone

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I walked into my room, with tears streaming down my face. This was my worst nightmare! I would always promise myself not to be a mother at the age of 18. I wanted to go to university, and graduate, get married and then have children. Not end up like this... My future plans were now crushed.

I sat on my bed digging my face into my plush pillow. Tears soaked the pillow, along with my face.

How am I suppose to tell my parents? How am I suppose to tell Cameron? How will he react? What if he throws me to the curb like he did to Jordyn, Beverly and Dylan?

My mind was going crazy. Millions of questions bounced around in my head, causing my headache to hurt more.

I lifted myself up, and wiped away my tears. I pulled out my phone, and sent a text to Cameron.

To: Cameron <3

We need to talk, I'll be waiting for you outside the school doors.

I tucked my phone away, and steadied myself up. I needed to be mature about this. I couldn't cry like this in front of him.

I grabbed the two tests and forcefully shoved them into my pocket.

I stepped out of my room and down the carpeted stairs.

My mom was down in the basement, so without her knowing again, I sneaked outside, and down the street.

It was currently 2:45 in the afternoon. Cameron will be out of school by 3:00.

As I made my way up to the school property, I sat outside the school doors, awaiting for him, on the bench.

As I waited, I tried to come up with a script. I had no idea how I was going to tell him, nor how I was going to handle this. I'd probably end up crying on my knees with Cameron hovering over me. I was worried for his reaction and what he'd do.

When the last bell rang, students immediately poured from the school doors. Annoying freshman's clung to each other, crying as if they'll never see their friends again. Yet, they'll see each other tomorrow morning.

I watched as a group of girls hugged each other and shrieked.

"I'll miss you guys so much!" A girl with five inch heels on said. Her annoying high-pitched voice made me cringe.

"I'll miss you too! I'll see you tomorrow!" Her caked-face friends cried.

I swear to god, if they wouldn't stop, I'll be ripping my hair out.

They hugged each other goodbye, before separating into their own directions. Finally.

Five minuets later, Cameron's face appeared in the crowd. He quickly noticed me, and scurried towards me, pushing all of the shorter people out of the way. 

As his eyes laid upon my face, a worried expression soon took over, replacing his smile and happy eyes.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

As soon as he asked me that, I felt my eyes water again, and my breathing got heavy. My jaw began to quiver as I felt like crying again.

"Avery?" He asks, more concerned and serious. "Tell me now!"

His voice went from innocent and conceited to more demanding and bold.

"C-can we just w-walk and talk about this?" I ask, as I look around, taking in all of the stares coming our way. 

Cameron looks around at the growing crowd forming around us.

"Y-yeah sure". He stutters, helping me stand up.

He grabbed my sweaty hand, and led me away from the school.

We took a walk through the park, and along the shoreline of the Santa Monica beach.

"Can you please tell me what's wrong?" Cameron asks me, breaking our awkward silence.

I didn't bother to look at him. The concerned look in his eyes would make me feel worse.

"I-I don't know how to tell you". I murmur.

"What?" He asks, unsure of what I said. "I can't hear you when you mumble".

"I said I don't know how to tell you". I repeat.

Cameron pauses. "Is it bad?" He asks.


"Avery Mason, just tell me what it is! You're worrying me!"

The tone in his voice scared me. I hated when he told me what to do in such a harsh tone.

"I'm pregnant!" I cried.

I finally had the urge to look up into his eyes, to take in the reaction I was waiting for.

His lips parted and his eyebrows knitted together. He was speechless, unsure of what to say.

It was quiet for at least two minutes. Cameron looked completely frozen.

"Cameron!" I ask, trying to snatch him out of his thoughts.

He blinked a couple times and his face suddenly looked sorrow.

"Wait a minute, you mean you're preg-".

"Yes Cameron, I'm fucking pregnant! I don't know how but-"

"But I used a condom?!" He interrupted. He sounded as agitated as I was. Probably even more.

"I know you did, but there had to be a hole in it or something".

Continuous tears remained to spill from my eyes.

Cameron ran his fingers through his hair, and pulled at his strands.

Watching him hyperventilate caused me to worry too. It doesn't seem like he's taking it too well.

"Cameron?" I ask again.

He didn't bother to look me in the eyes. Instead he looked away from me and stared over at the horizon.

"Cameron, please say something". I begged.

He looked at me and shakes his head. For some reason, a feeling of disappointment washed over me.

"I'm sorry. I can't do this". Cameron mumbles.

He gave me a weak smile, before turning away and running off into the distance.

And here my nightmare began. I stood there astonished, with tears running down my face.

Being with Cameron was like a dream come true. He was the light in my life. He would always find a way to brighten my mood. He would always find a way to make a smile on my face. He had the magic to make me feel special, like I was the only girl in the world.

It's like going star watching. The dark sky is painted with millions of stars. All the stars look the same. With the same luminosity and the same characteristics.

Then there was the giant stars. They were the brightest ones, the more beautiful ones, and they were unique and stunning in their own way. Then after a while, the giant stars burn off, leaving them to be ugly and different.

Cameron happened to be a giant star. At first, he's all charming and genuine. Then after a while, he turns out to be nasty and mortified.

I always knew that boy was no good. I give him a second chance, and what does he do? He blew it.

Now here I am, standing on a crowded beach, where the love of my life just left me.

Just to inform you guys, this may or may not be the last chapter of this story. I might make a book 2, but I'm not sure yet. I'll give extra details in the authors note, next update.

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